
sā jiāo
  • act like a spoiled child;behave in a spoiled manner;show pettishness as a spoiled child;act in a pettishly charming manner;act in pettishly charming manner
撒娇 [sā jiāo]
  • [act like a spoiled child;act in pettishly charming manner;show pettishness as a spoiled child] 仗着受宠而故意作态

  • 撒娇使性

撒娇[sā jiāo]
  1. 撒娇道具推荐:卡通书桌,回到童年写日记的年代。

    Act like a spoiled child prop recommends : Block almanac desk , return childhood to keep diarial time .

  2. 那么大的孩子还撒娇,真没羞。

    Tut , tut ! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child .

  3. 我再也不能对你撒娇了。

    I can 't act in pettish to you any further .

  4. 最近在瑞典进行的一项研究发现,中风或心脏病发后从医院回到家里,与那些享受不到狗狗舔脸撒娇的欢乐的人相比,养狗的人死亡的风险明显更低一些。

    A recent study conducted in Sweden found the risk of death for dog owners returning home from hospital after a stroke or heart attack was significantly lower than those who didn 't come home to a face-licking ball of happiness .

  5. 彭浩翔的爱情喜剧新片《撒娇女人最好命》(WomenWhoFlirt)里的敌人是谁?你绝对不会搞错的。

    You 'll never be confused about who the enemy is in " Women Who Flirt , " Pang Ho-cheung 's new romantic comedy .

  6. 点燃一支烟,安静的房间只有CD机里散发出来的蓝色的灯光,这样的气愤更加让我想念那个会和我撒娇的你。

    Lights a cigarette , the peaceful room only then in CD machine sends out the blue color light , such indignant even more lets me think of that can you who acts like a spoiled brat with me .

  7. 别向我撒娇,我什么也保证不了。

    Stop throwing yourself at me . I can guarantee nothing .

  8. 亲爱的,我再也不对你撒娇了。

    I won 't act in pettish to you anymore .

  9. 他也许以为我在撒娇&闹着玩。

    He imagines me in a pet & in play , perhaps .

  10. 还是缩小它,都不过是向生活撒娇。

    Or reduce , they boil down to a life of coquettish games .

  11. 那孩子撒娇要妈妈抚爱。

    The child turned to his mother for comfort .

  12. 这,便是卖萌撒娇的时刻。

    This is the moment to play the coquetry .

  13. 宠物的撒娇是主人最大的快乐。

    Being pleased by pets is a great joy for the pet keeper .

  14. 如果社区规划完整的道路体系与绿植分布,是宠物们的撒娇场地;

    Community planning 's complete road system and green plant distribution is pets'playing ground ;

  15. 我开车的时候,你还在祖母身边撒娇呢。

    Me behind the wheel , and you over there on the grandma side .

  16. 他喜欢会撒娇的女生。

    He likes girls that play the conquette .

  17. 叫那孩子别撅着嘴撒娇!

    Tell that child to stop pouting !

  18. 学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。

    Learn to be mischievous and coquetry .

  19. 撒娇的摇著他的手,一脸的委屈状!

    Played the woman and shook his hand in disapproval with chagrin on her face .

  20. 但我受够你的撒娇了。

    But enough of your mewling .

  21. 她是超级的会撒娇又黏人!

    She is a great snuggler !

  22. 她撒娇一般地缩了缩脖子,依在了男人的肩上。

    Her coquetry general reduction of the shrunken neck , depending on a man 's shoulders .

  23. 孩子气的眼泪和撒娇。

    Babyish tears and petulance .

  24. 你的猫不只是在撒娇,而是想使东西味道更好。

    Your cat is not just being affectionate , it is trying to make things smell better .

  25. 撒娇使他们觉得自己是不可或缺的,同时也给了他们一次展现男性魅力的机会。

    It makes them feel wanted and gives them a chance to act as the stronger sex .

  26. 真实的活恐龙&她会跑、咬人、撒娇、对着你大吼!

    She is real ! She can run , can bite , being tender , and yelp !

  27. 这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。

    At this age , they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents .

  28. 小女子(撒娇地):夫君,你是哪里的神仙,我都还不知道,怎么能嫁给你呢?

    Honey , how can I marry you ? I don 't even know where you come from .

  29. 我们每次请比尔吃饭的时候,他总是带着一位贴在身上撒娇的女人。

    Every time we invite Bill to dinner , he shows up with one of his clinging vines .

  30. 但如果你要他们给撒娇做个定义,大多数人都很难给出准确定义。

    But if you ask them for a definition most have a hard time coming up with something precise .