
sā shǒu rén huán
  • 熟语depart this life;leave this mortal world
  1. 早在他出任总理前,在他学习中文并成为外交官前,甚至在他还不满12岁时,父亲伯特(Bert)就因车祸而撒手人寰。

    Long before he became prime minister , before he learnt Chinese and became a diplomat , before he had even turned 12 , his father Bert had died in the aftermath of a car crash .

  2. 我感到悲伤,但是奥托不愿让我妈妈就此轻易撒手人寰。

    I grieved . But Otto would not give her up so easily .

  3. 1944年,奥特雷撒手人寰,身后萧条。

    Otlet died in1944 , a broken man .

  4. 抛下了14个孩子撒手人寰。

    leaving behind 14 children between them .

  5. 一年半之后,昆塔娜也撒手人寰,时年只有39岁。

    Quintana would die about a year and a half later at the age of 39 .

  6. 我们夫妻俩曾经有过一个孩子,因难产不幸夭折了,我妻子也差点撒手人寰。

    We had a child who died during delivery and my wife almost died , too .

  7. 供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。

    Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died .

  8. 泰勒即将撒手人寰时,妈妈和他谈起死亡。

    When it became apparent that he wasn 't going to survive , Tyler 's mom talked to him about death .

  9. 我的丈夫去年撒手人寰,他解脱了病魔的缠绕终于奔向自由。

    Last year , I had lost my husband who was suffered from illness painfully and left for the heaven in the end .

  10. 父亲82岁那年,生命垂危,将撒手人寰,我已做好准备,这样他的痛苦能够终止。

    At 82 he was ready to die , and I was ready to let him go so that his suffering would end .

  11. 我与第一个妻子共同度过了18年幸福的婚姻生活,然而在我们去滑冰的那天,她突然倒下,撒手人寰。

    My first wife collapsed and died one day while she and I were ice skating , after eighteen years of a most happy existence together .

  12. 因此,在这个以三十韶华年纪便撒手人寰的青年女作家身上,其理想追求、坎坷人生和个性气质都呈现出独特的魅力和景观。

    So this young female writer who died on her thirties , shows us her special glamour by her pursuing for dreams , rough life and personality .

  13. 余自弱冠,至今垂暮,迄未见正直之士流离失所,亦未见其子孙沦落人寰。供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。

    I have been young and am now old , yet have I not seen the righteous for sunken , nor his seed begging their bread . Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies .

  14. 有位忙碌的朋友得知老婆罹患重症,彻头彻尾变了一个人:亲自下厨,陪太太散步……可是妻子敌不过病魔摧残,三个月后就撒手人寰。

    I have a very busy friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife came down with acute illness . He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day . Nonetheless , his wife still did not manage to conquer the illness and passed away after three months .