
sā yě
  • act wildly;behave atrociously
撒野 [sā yě]
  • [act wildly;behave atrociously] [对人] 粗野、放肆,不讲情理

  • 这儿不是你撒野的地方

撒野[sā yě]
  1. 二是紧紧拖住孩子,不要让孩子撒野毁物和自毁。

    Dragging children , do not let their children act wildly complex and self-destruction .

  2. 你竟敢在我的地盘撒野?我让你吃不了兜着走!

    How dare you act wildly in my site ? I will let you prostrating .

  3. 你对我撒野也没有用。

    Being rude to me won 't get you anywhere .

  4. 别想对我撒野!

    Don 't try any rough stuff with me !

  5. 囚犯撒野闹事,砸毁了所有挡路的东西。

    The prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their way .

  6. 他干嘛来咱们这儿撒野?

    What does he come here cheeking us for , then ?

  7. 就让他们光着屁股到处撒野吧。

    Let 's just let them all run naked and wild .

  8. 没有让你们狂吠撒野的地方!

    There is no space for godless dogs like you guys !

  9. 丽迪雅一向又任性又撒野,不由得叫道:

    and Lydia , always unguarded and often uncivil , boisterously exclaimed :

  10. 自己的球队输了以后,他们在小镇上到处撒野。

    They ran riot through the town after the defeat of their team .

  11. 如果你乱撒野的话我绝不会抓住你的手不放。

    I don 't hold your hand if you go on a bender .

  12. 他放任他的孩子撒野。

    He allows his children to run wild .

  13. 此方对李小龙则不灵,他照常撒野。

    This side of Bruce Lee is not working , he as usual act wildly .

  14. 他们听任自己的孩子撒野。

    They let their kids run riot .

  15. 丽迪雅还是丽迪雅——不安分,不害羞,撒野吵嚷,天不怕地不怕的。

    Lydia was Lydia still ; untamed , unabashed , wild , noisy , and fearless .

  16. 你们还是回到其他队员身边,让我自己去对付那只撒野的球吧。

    Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the rogue one .

  17. 很快,那些小虫子就会找其它地方撒野去了,可能是那些没有洋葱驱虫剂的地方。

    Pretty soon , those insects will find other venues to terrorize , probably those without onion-based repellents .

  18. 爸爸:比利,你这样穿的时候,我不希望你到处撒野。

    Dad : Billy , when you 're dressed like this , I don 't want you playing around .

  19. 大多数父母试着在推行严格的纪律和任由孩子撒野之间找到折衷的方法。

    Most parents try to steer a middle course between imposing very strict discipline and letting their kids run wild .

  20. 这是我的地盘,你可不能在这里撒野,我不能让我的兄弟受欺负。

    This is my site , you can not act wildly here , I can not let my brother be bullied .

  21. 要是我看到了可怕的东西,我就会撒野,就会捣蛋。

    And if I get the horrors , I 'm a man that has lived rough , and I 'll raise cain .

  22. 哈利透过周围密密麻麻的许多条腿,看见弗雷德和乔治韦斯莱兄弟俩正拼命把那只撒野的游走球按压进箱子里。

    Through the thicket of legs around him , Harry spotted Fred and George Weasley , wrestling the rogue Bludger into a box .

  23. 御用轮宫本来就不是让狼撒野的地方。珊莎说,而且你也知道弥赛菈公主很怕它们。

    A royal wheelhouse is no place for a wolf , Sansa said . And Princess Myrcella is afraid of them , you know that .

  24. 它们足够的活动来释放的精力,就会在你的沙发或名牌鞋上撒野。

    If they don 't have enough activity to expend their energy , they take it out on your favorite couch or your designer shoes .

  25. 那一刻我突然感到,有一个自己喜欢的男人可以陪在自己身边,纵容着自己的任性撒野,该是多么幸福的一件事啊?

    That moment I suddenly felt like a man can go around in their own connivance of their willful act wildly , how happy the thing ah ?

  26. 而它刚刚遭受的袭击出乎所有人的预料--前来撒野的竟是数百万只长相类似蚊子的昆虫。泰姬陵附近的亚穆纳河污染严重,获得丰富营养的藻类沿着河岸疯涨,进而让此种昆虫的数量出现激增。

    But few people anticipated the latest affront-millions of mosquito-like insects , their numbers supercharged by nutritious algae blooming profusely along the banks of the polluted Yamuna River nearby .

  27. 她有母亲连忙嚷道:“丽萃,别忘了你在作客,家里让你撒野惯了,你可不能到人家这里来胡闹。”

    " Lizzy ," cried her mother ," remember where you are , and do not run on in the wild manner that you are suffered to do at home . "

  28. 而它刚刚遭受的袭击出乎所有人的预料——前来撒野的竟是数百万只长相类似蚊子的昆虫。泰姬陵附近的亚穆纳河污染严重,获得丰富营养的藻类沿着河岸疯涨,进而让此种昆虫的数量出现激增。

    But few people anticipated the latest affront - millions of mosquito-like insects , their numbers supercharged by nutritious algae blooming profusely along the banks of the polluted Yamuna River nearby .

  29. 他是个开明的庄主,又是个最好的主人;她说,他不象目前一般撒野的青年,一心只为自己打算。

    He is the best landlord , and the best master , said she , that ever lived . Not like the wild young men nowadays , who think of nothing but themselves .

  30. 他听见人群里传出一阵大笑,他知道自己的样子肯定很愚蠢,但是那只撒野的游走球很笨重,不能像他这样敏捷地改变方向。

    He could hear laughter from the crowd ; he knew he must look very stupid , but the rogue Bludger was heavy and couldn 't change direction as quickly as Harry could ;