
  • The mirror;Magic Mirror;Mirror Mirror
  1. 魔镜!魔镜!谁是世界上最漂亮的人?

    Mirror mirror on the wall , who 's the fairest of them all ?

  2. 《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》视觉上养眼,形式盖过了内容。影片使用了大量色彩鲜艳的服装和奇幻的摄影布景,非但没有给故事本身增色添彩,反倒转移了观影者的注意力。

    Visually enchanting , Mirror Mirror is an example of style over substance , of the use of brightly colored costumes and fantastical sets to distract viewers rather than enhance the story .

  3. 《魔兽:起源》并非没有竞争--《X战警:天启》、《愤怒的小鸟》、《爱丽丝魔镜之旅》等好莱坞电影也在中国市场上映。

    It did face competition - X-Men : Apocalypse , the Angry Birds Movie and Tim Burton 's Alice Through the Looking Glass were the other main Hollywood flicks showing in China .

  4. 但我们又懒得化妆。欧莱雅(L’Oréal)的一款应用——“千妆魔镜”(MakeupGenius)让用户不必把脸画得乱七八糟就可以尝试不同妆容。

    but we are too lazy to apply it . L'Or é al 's Makeup Genius app allows users to try different looks without getting messy .

  5. 所以她问魔镜谁是世上最美的女人。

    So she asked the mirror who was the most beautiful .

  6. 今天邪恶的皇后再度照魔镜。

    Today the Evil Queen looks in her magic mirror again .

  7. 魔镜也怕是难回答的。

    I think the magic mirror would have the problem answering .

  8. 魔镜,魔镜谁是最漂亮的人?

    Mirror , Mirror , Who is the most beautiful ?

  9. 她盛装走到魔镜前。

    She was dressed up and went to the mirror .

  10. 她把魔镜摔成了碎片。光学显微镜制片技术

    She broke her magic mirror into pieces . technique for microscopical slides

  11. 这一次她预期从魔镜那里听到好消息。

    This time she expected to hear happy news from the mirror .

  12. 有一天,王后问她的魔镜。

    One day , the queen asked her magic mirror .

  13. 魔镜告诉她说白雪公主漂亮多了。

    The mirror told her that Snow White was much more beautiful .

  14. 魔镜:王后想知道些什么呢?

    Mirror : What wouldst thou know , my Queen ?

  15. 魔镜,魔镜,给予我激情。

    Mirror , mirror , give me a thrill .

  16. 晶体不均匀性的魔镜诊断方法

    Magic mirror approach and diagnosis of imperfections in crystals

  17. 墙上的魔镜,谁是世界上最美丽的女人?

    Magic Mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all ?

  18. 魔镜,魔镜谁是最美丽的女人?

    Mirror , mirror on the wall , who 's the most beautiful ?

  19. 半导体硅片表面缺陷光反射魔镜检测技术

    Optical Reflection Magic mirror Detecting Technique for Detecting Surface Defects of Semiconductor Silicon Wafers

  20. 她把魔镜摔成了碎片。

    She broke her magic mirror into pieces .

  21. 奇洛从魔镜后面转回来,贪婪地盯着镜子里面。

    Quirrell came back out from behind the mirror and stared hungrily into it .

  22. 后来,王后从魔镜中得知白雪公主并没有死。

    Afterward the queen knew from the magic mirror that the princess was still alive .

  23. 魔镜魔镜告诉我,他们中间谁最火。

    Mirror , mirror on the wall , who 's the hottest of them all ?

  24. 一款虚拟的化妆魔镜承诺给这种昂贵的尴尬画上句号。

    But a virtual make-up mirror promises to put an end to these expensive embarrassments .

  25. 在白雪公主的展区,挂在墙上的魔镜使游客们惊喜不已。

    In the Snow White section , a magic mirror on the wall astonishes visitors .

  26. 魔镜回答说:你是世上最美的女人。

    And the mirror answered , @ You are the most beautiful in the world .

  27. 正是厄里斯魔镜。

    It was the Mirror of Erised .

  28. 我是王后,我很漂亮,我的魔镜在哪里?

    Q : I am a queen , I 'm very beautiful , Where is Mirror ?

  29. 第十二章厄里斯魔镜


  30. 王后:墙上的魔镜呀,世界上最美丽的女人是谁呀?

    Queen : Magic Mirror on the wall , Who is the fairest one of all ?