
mó shén
  • Demon God;mumbo jumbo
魔神[mó shén]
  1. 第四魔神是Samigina,一位伟大的侯爵。

    The Fourth Spirit is Samigina , a Great Marquis .

  2. 她们杀死了魔神之后。

    After they killed the monster god .

  3. 在上述地址那是我唯一能找到的关于魔神的图片。

    That ' ; s the only picture I can find about Fiend in above address .

  4. 从来没有人证实过隐藏的最终老大魔神,但也有可能。

    No one has ever confirmed about the hidden final boss Fiend , but it could be possible .

  5. 玻璃渣一定很喜欢这个名字,因为他们有意无意地把这个名字送给了一个巨魔神。

    Blizzard must have liked the name , because they accidentally took the name afterward for the troll god .

  6. 魔神:在所有造物主和恶魔君主中,只有罗丝拥有比奥库斯更多的崇拜者。

    Demon God : Of all the Demiurge and Demon Princes , only Lolth has more worshippers than Orcus .

  7. 至此,地狱发起了一场针对三大魔神的巨大革命。

    Thus , a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers .

  8. 后来魔神的七个女儿为了能让老百姓过上幸福的生活,就把魔神给杀了。

    Later , the monster god 's seven daughters killed him so as to make the Dai people live a happy life .

  9. 只因这个大陆上原本平衡的力量被打破了:是天界第一神族的魔神族,遭到了人族和魔族叛军的联手攻击,在孤立无援的情况下几乎惨遭灭族。

    The Protoss , the first race in the heaven , are attacked by the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians , and the whole race is nearly ruined .

  10. 三个魔神发觉到人类将成为他们战胜天堂的关键钥匙,但这将改变他们从一开始就酝酿的计划。

    The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven , and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning .

  11. 两个魔神与他们的同胞签订了一封协定,并向他们保证卑鄙的人类灾祸不能阻止地狱之子的最终胜利。

    The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren , assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell .