
  1. 而且随着不同细胞型别和生物学环境的变化,CD24也起着诱导凋亡或促进树突状细胞的免疫耐受作用。

    Depending upon cell types and microenvironment , CD24 can induce apoptosis and induce immune tolerance in dendritic cells ( DCs ) .

  2. 同时最大限度地保护了骨断端的血运,为骨折愈合提供了优良的生物学环境,经临床应用效果较好。

    The blood supply of bone frame had been proteced , a good biology environment had supplied , we have got satisfactory effect by clinical application .

  3. 根据我国各地研究报道,设施栽种土壤存在的主要障碍是某些理化性状和生物学环境恶化、连作障碍明显。

    Based on research reports available from various regions of China , soil problems in facility cultivation are mainly deterioration of some soil physicochemical properties and biological environment .

  4. 结论:该髁上型髓内钉减少了对骨原有生物学环境的破坏,可与人工表面关节结合运用于异体骨关节移植重建,有较好的临床应用价值。

    Conclusions : This supracondylar interlocking intramedullary nail can reduce destruction of biological environment of bone and is easy in use in limb salvage surgery of the end of femur .

  5. 睑板腺癌和恶性黑色素瘤先后发生于同一眼,可能是切除一类肿瘤后,局部生物学环境发生改变,免疫力下降,导致第二类肿瘤的发生。

    The occurrence of sebaceous gland carcinoma and malignant melanoma one after another on one eye may be dur to the possibility that the removal of one type of tumour altered local biological environment and weakened immunity , thus giving rise to a second type of tumour .

  6. 爱尔兰皇家学会会报,B辑:生物学与环境。

    Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy , B : Biology and Environment .

  7. 而分子生物学在环境基因组学中的应用首先要求得到有广泛代表性的高质量的DNA样品。

    In this respect , high quality DNA sample need to be recovered from environmental samples without culturing microorganisms first .

  8. 精神卫生是由经济社会、生物学和环境因素来决定的。

    Mental health is determined by socio-economic , biological and environmental factors .

  9. 初中生物学网络环境下以学为主教学设计的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Learning-as-principal Instructional Design in Biology in Junior School in the Web Environment

  10. 健康保健教授们应考虑讲一些生物学和环境因素作为他们评估的一部分。

    Healthcare professionals need to consider a number of biological and environmental factors as part of their assessment .

  11. 他们大多拥有生态学,农业学,生物学或环境科学的学士学位。

    They generally hold a bachelor 's degree in fields such as ecology , agriculture , biology or environmental science .

  12. 蕙仪感谢两位中学老师及科大谢显堂教授的启迪,令她对生物学及环境产生兴趣。

    Wai Yee thanks two of her teachers at secondary school and Prof Dennis Hsieh at HKUST for inspiring her interest in biology and the environment .

  13. 植物群落的退化和恢复在全球范围内引起了高度重视,是当今生态学、保护生物学、环境科学等学科的前沿,而且对政治、经济都有巨大的影响。

    Degenerating and restoration of plant communities is highly recognized all over the world , and is the frontier of ecology , conservation biology , and environment science .

  14. 阴离子普遍地存在于自然界中,在医学、生物学、环境科学等领域起着重要作用,快速而有效地识别阴离子并对其含量进行检测,具有着重要的学术意义。

    Anions are ubiquitous in nature and have played crucial roles in medicine , biology and environment science . A fast and effective detection of anions has shown great importance in these fields .

  15. 这些法官主要来自马里兰州与俄亥俄州,他们上了纳米科技、合成生物学以及环境生物科学的速成班,这些主题都是他们日后审理高科技案件时可能要接触的。

    The judges , mostly from Maryland and Ohio , got a crash course in nanotechnology , synthetic biology and environmental biotechnology-all subjects they may have to tangle with in highly technical cases .

  16. 由于阴离子在化学、生物学以及环境科学等领域的重要作用,设计和合成能够识别某种特定阴离子的新型受体分子受到化学家广泛的关注。

    The design and synthesis of novel artificial receptors that have strong affinity and selectivity for specific anions has received great attention due to their important role in a wide range of chemical , biological and environmental applications .

  17. 由于漆酶的作用底物非常广泛,能催化多种酚类化合物和含有苯环的芳香类化合物的氧化,所以漆酶在生物学和环境科学等领域研究非常活跃。

    Due to laccase could react to various substrate , and it could catalytic oxidation many kinds of phenolic compounds and many kinds of aromatic compounds , laccase became a very active research field of biology and environmental science .

  18. 近年来,随着高新技术产业的迅猛发展,人们对重稀有碱金属及其化合物的性质和应用的研究也不断深入,尤其是在生物化学、分子生物学和环境科学等方面的研究十分引人注目。

    In recent years , with the development of the high-tech industry , the research work about the properties and the applications of heavy alkali metal and their compounds are continuous lucubrate , especially in biochemistry , molecular biology , environmental chemistry .

  19. 农业生态系统健康可采用生物学、环境学、生态经济学几个方面的指标,进行综合评价.其评价方法可采用综合指数法、生态毒理学方法、生态风险评估方法等。

    A series of indices including biological , environmental and eco-economic indicators could be integrated to assess the situation and level of agroecosystem health , and some methods including comprehensive index assessment , eco-toxicological assessment and ecological risk assessment could be used for the evaluation of agroecosystem health .

  20. 微卫星DNA作为一种优良的遗传标记在分子生态学领域得到了广泛应用,本文综述了其在分子种群生物学、分子环境遗传学、分子适应等研究领域中的应用情况。

    Microsatellite DNA has been widely used as a good genetic marker in molecular ecology . This paper reviewed its application in molecular population biology , molecular environmental genetics , and molecular adaptation .

  21. 水质净化作用菌光合细菌PS2的生物学特性及环境因子对其生长的影响

    Effect of biochemical characteristics and environmental factor of water purification photosynthetic bacteria PS2 on its growth

  22. 对于细菌降解PHB的研究已经比较深入,而对于真菌降解PHB的生物学性质及环境影响因素缺乏了解。

    Studies on the bacterial degradation of PHB have been intensively conducted . However , the microbiological and environmental aspects of fungal degradation of PHB are unclear .

  23. 分子生物学在渔业环境保护中的运用

    The Application of Molecular Biology in the Protection of Fishery Environment

  24. 浅谈中学生物学教学渗透环境意识教育

    A discussion on environmental awareness education permeated in middle schools ′ biology teaching

  25. 生物学效应和环境命运;

    Biological Effects and Environmental Fate ;

  26. 本人高中学的生物学,对环境保护和生态平衡有一定的想法。

    I am a high school biology , environmental protection and ecological balance has some ideas .

  27. 不孕症的发病率及患病率受多种因素影响,病因归结为生物学因素、环境因素和社会因素。

    The incidence and prevalence of infertility are influenced by three main factors : biomedical , environmental and social factors .

  28. 工程学中以生物学研究工作环境和工人的关系的分支。

    The branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments .

  29. 从细胞和分子生物学水平对环境应力影响根系发育的可能机理进行了讨论。

    The mechanisms of sound stimulation stress on plant root development were also discussed on the level of cellular and molecular biology .

  30. 文章提供广阔的复盖植物科学,从分子生物学到生态环境,其中包括:发展;

    The articles published provide broad coverage of the plant sciences , from molecular biology through to ecology , including : development ;