
  1. 由于磷的释放是以浓缩形式,只是在回流污泥这股小的侧流中进行的,所以当加入这些发酵液后,在厌氧放磷区保持较高的生物易降解COD浓度是可能的。

    It is possible to keep a higher concentration of readily biodegradable COD in anaerobic stripper because P release is carried out in a concentrated form , in the small sidestream , when the lipuor is added into the stripper .

  2. 堆肥法由于垃圾中生物易分解的有机成分低,在各国的应用比例都不高。

    Composing developed in low ratio in all countries because of the low composion of the organism in the garbage .

  3. 海洋生物易附着于船舶及海洋设施上从而对其造成严重的危害,用防污涂料保护这些设施可以显著减缓或者防止这种危害。

    The settlement of marine organisms causes enormous harm upon ships and other sea facilities . Usually , the marine biofouling can be reduced markedly or resisted by the use of the antifouling coatings .

  4. 刺猬这种胆小的生物极易受到惊吓,尤其是刺猬妈妈分娩之后。

    These timid creatures get scared very easily , especially right after a mother has given birth .

  5. 研究结果如下:(1)曝气生物滤池易挂膜,启动快。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) BAF was easily to hang membrane and rapid start .

  6. 生物瓣易发生退行性变和钙化,严重影响了生物瓣的耐久性,限制了其进一步发展和广泛应用。

    Bioprosthetic heart valve is liable to retrograde affection and calcification , which effects its durability seriously , limits its further development and wide application .

  7. DNA分子是生物细胞中易受辐射损伤的敏感分子或称靶分子。

    DNA moleCule is sensitive to radioactive damage in cell .

  8. 乳酸乙酯具有100%生物降解、易循环使用、无腐蚀、不致癌和不易挥发等优点。

    Ethyl lactate has numerous attractive advantages including being 100 % biodegradable , easy to recycle , non-corrosive , non-carcinogenic and non-ozone depleting .

  9. 热塑性聚合物微流控芯片制作成本低,表面可采用多种物理或化学的方法进行改性,具有较好的生物适应性,易在片集成多种用途的功能组件等特性,已为人们所关注。

    Thermoplastic microfluidic chips have recently attracted considerable attention because of their favorable mechanical and chemical properties , low cost , ease of fabrication , versatility for physical and chemical surface modification , biocompatibility , and easy integration with other components .

  10. 土壤重金属因其特有的生物毒性和易积累性,对生态系统和人类健康构成了严重的威胁,其中镉更易被作物吸收并通过食物链富集,进而威胁食品安全并影响人类健康。

    As their unique biological toxicity and easy accumulation , heavy metals pose a serious threat to ecosystem and human health , cadmium is more easily to be absorbed by crops and enriched by food chain , and then threaten food security and affect human health .

  11. 这类控释体系仍然存在着很多不足之处,比如疏水性小分子药物的结晶和暴释以及大分子生物活性物质易失活变性等关键问题至今仍然没有得到很好的解决。

    There are still many drawbacks , such as crystallized drug in the microsphere surface and severe burst release of small molecular drug in initial stage , as well as the strong tendency of bioactivity loss for bioactive substances . All these crucial problems maintain unsolved so far .

  12. 氧等离子体低温灰化法测定生物样品灰分中易挥发元素

    Low-Temperature Ashing Treatment of Biological Samples by an Oxygen Plasma Ashing Set for the Determination of Volatile Elements

  13. 目前天然多糖高分子凝胶因其良好的生物相容性及易活化性常被用来制备微载体,但多糖凝胶质软机械性能不足以使其达到制备应用。

    Currently natural polysaccharide polymer gel has been often used to prepare microcarrier for the good biocompatibility and activation . But the softness and poor mechanical performance of polysaccharide gel restrict the preparation application .

  14. 因其催化效率高和反应特异强,天然酶已在不同领域得到了广泛关注,然而天然酶是一种生物催化剂,它们易受外界环境的影响而失活。

    Due to the high catalytic efficiency and substrate specificity of natural enzymes , they have received tremendous attention in different fields . However , the natural enzymes , a kind of biological catalysts , are easy to be inactive by the external environment .

  15. 同时KGM具有良好的生物相容性,可生物降解,易化学改性等优点,作为缓释载体有良好的应用前景。

    Its chemical stability , better biocompatibility , biodegradability and easily modified ability suggest their applications in targeted drug delivery systems .

  16. 它具有良好的生物降解性和生物相容性并且易加工。

    It has good biodegradability and biocompatibility and easy process .

  17. 由于多数的医用血液、生物制剂和药品所含有的蛋白质不稳定性,使得生物药品易受环境温度变化的影响,导致药品、血液、疫苗变质,所以需要严格的温度控制。

    Since the majority of medical blood , biological agents and drugs containing protein are instable , the changes of temperature will affect the quality of biological medicines and lead to drugs , blood and vaccines metamorphism . So it is very important to strictly control the temperature .

  18. 生物特征的唯一性和相对稳定性,使得个体具有的生物特征不易被伪造和假冒,所以利用生物识别技术进行身份认证极具前景。

    Unique characteristic and relative stability make the biological characteristics of the individual not easily be forged or counterfeit .

  19. 许多低分子量的抗癌药物以及一些生物活性剂由于受到他们差的水溶性,低的生物利用率以及易被排除等特性的影响而限制了他们在治疗学上的应用。

    Many anticancer drugs and other bioactive components with low molecular weight are limited in their therapeutic effect by properties such as low water solubility , poor bioavailability , and rapid elimination .