
  • 网络Sewage treatment plant;Sewage treatment unit
  1. 船舶生活污水处理装置在小型高速船上的应用

    On the sewage treatment plant of ship and its application in the minitype high speed ships

  2. 新型生活污水处理装置研究

    The Study on the New Disposal Equipment of Domestic Sewage

  3. 试论埋地式小型生活污水处理装置及其应用

    Small-Sized Underground Household Wastewater Treatment Facility and Its Application

  4. 地埋式无动力生活污水处理装置调查及技术探讨

    Discussion on burried unpowered domestic sewage treatment device

  5. 促进城镇生活污水处理装置产业化

    To advance the industrialization of the apparatus of dispose of sewage of cities and towns

  6. 某舰生活污水处理装置报警板维修与研仿

    Maintenance Study and Simulation for Alarmer in the Treating Unit for Daily Sewage of Marine

  7. 埋地式无动力生活污水处理装置典型抽检与分析

    Analyses on Treatment Effect and Technical Assessment for Buried Mode Non-Dynamic Domestic Sewage Treatment Device

  8. 微动力生活污水处理装置在废水处理中的应用

    The application research on the micro-power domestic sewage disposal unit used in the industrial wastewater treatment

  9. 船用生活污水处理装置

    Marine sewage treatment system

  10. 各国海事执法部门仅仅通过船舶生活污水处理装置的运行状况和相关证书的有效性侧面反映生活污水的水体质量,是一种简单执法、定性执法。

    China Maritime Safety Administration judges the water quality of the ship sewage just by exam the operating conditions of the equipment and the validity of the certificate .

  11. 分析了某型舰瑞典产生活污水处理装置报警板烧毁原因、工作原理,提出了改进措施,并对该板的研仿效果进行了分析、总结。

    This paper analyses the causes and working principles for the burning of the alarmer in the treating unit for daily sewage produced in SWEDEN , it also puts forward some improving measures and gives analysis and conclusion to the effect of its study and simulation .

  12. 船舶生活污水特性及处理装置研究

    Study on the characteristics and treatment plant of domestic sewage aboard ships

  13. 校园生活污水的一体化处理装置及其耐冲击负荷性能研究

    Study on integrative installation and volumetric loading bearing in Schoolyard Domestic Sewage Treatment

  14. 城市生活污水微动力处理装置研究

    Research on Micro-dynamic Urban Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facility

  15. 为了应对现行法规对船舶生活污水排放指标的要求,有必要探索出一些切实可行的实船简易方案来解决现有船舶上装设的生活污水处理装置存在的瓶颈问题。

    To deal with the current regulation requirements to the ship effluent indices , it is necessary to explore some feasible real-ship handy plan to solve the bottleneck problem of the current effluent plant in the ship .