
  • 网络bio-optical;bio-optics;biological optics;Bio-Photonics
  1. 基于生物光学模型的水体叶绿素浓度反演算法

    Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Case ⅱ Water Body Based on Bio-Optical Model

  2. 长江下游湖泊水体中有色可溶性物质的生物光学模式

    The Bio-Optical Model of Chromatic Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lake Waters at Low Reach of Changjiang River

  3. 基于MonteCarlo在体生物光学成像的光子传输模型

    Photon Propagation Model of In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging Based on Monte Carlo

  4. 提出了一种基于MonteCarlo方法的在体生物光学成像中的光子传输模型。

    In this paper , a photon propagation model of bioluminescent imaging based on Monte Carlo method is proposed .

  5. 平面检测系统则包括硬件和软件两部分,硬件由生物光学显微镜、CCD摄像头、图像采集卡和PC计算机构成,集图像观察、采集、显示于一体。

    Accordingly the figure and size of MCP are confirmed . Plane testing system includes two parts , and software . Hardware is composed with biology optics microscope , CCD pick-up head , image collecting card and PC computer .

  6. 具有优良光谱特性的纳米颗粒在生物光学成像中的应用研究

    Optical Bio-imaging Research Assisted with Some Nanoparticles with Desired Spectral Properties

  7. 巢湖秋冬季水体生物光学特性对比研究

    Optical and Biological Properties of Lake Chaohu in Autumn and Winter

  8. 一种新的生物光学材料&嗜菌紫质的性质及应用

    Properties and applications of bacteriorhodopsin a new biological optical material

  9. 南海北部水体叶绿素a浓度反演的生物光学模型

    A bio-optical model for retrieval of chlorophyll-a concentration in northern South China Sea

  10. 在体生物光学成像前向问题的研究

    Optical Imaging Approaches in Cognitive Neuroscience Forward Problem of in vivo Bioluminescent Imaging

  11. 生物光学材料&细菌视紫红质的性质及其分子电子学应用

    Photophysics and molecular electronic applications of the Rhodopsins

  12. 基于生物光学模型的晋江悬浮物遥感估算

    Estimation of suspended solids in the Jin River through bio-optical model-based remote sensing technology

  13. 基于细菌视紫红质生物光学功能材料的特性及应用研究进展

    Progress of Study on the Properties and Applications of the Bio-optical Function Material Based on Bacteriorhodopsin

  14. 因此,混浊介质中光的散射现象的研究又成了生物光学的研究热点。

    So , the study about scattering phenomena of turbid media is a hotspot of the photobiology .

  15. 其中的在体生物光学成像是一种新的成像模态,是近几年分子成像领域研究的热点之一。

    In vivo optical imaging , one of the research focuses in molecular imaging , is a new imaging pattern .

  16. 基于生物光学模型的二类水体光学活性物质估算:以晋江下游河段为例

    Estimation of the Optically Active Substances in Case ⅱ Water of the Lower Jinjiang River Based on the Bio-optical Model

  17. 具体介绍了大气校正算法的原理、生物光学算法及气溶胶的相关知识。

    The atmospheric correction algorithm , bio-optical algorithms and optical properties of aerosols ( especially absorbtive aerosols ) are also described .

  18. 作为生物光学检测的传感器,光纤探针的尺寸形状对提高光学收集效率至关重要。

    As the biosensor of optic transfer and measurement , suitable profile of fiber probe is essential for improvement of optical collection - efficiency .

  19. 蒙特卡罗模拟是一种可用于研究光在混浊介质中传输的常用方法,被广泛地用于研究各种生物光学成像技术。

    Monte Carlo simulation can be used to study light transportation in turbid media and has been used to study kinds of biomedical optical techniques .

  20. 目的之一是提高光强型的蒙特卡洛仿真的效率,并使用加速后的光强型蒙特卡洛仿真为三种常用的生物光学探测系统建模。

    One of the purposes is to improve the efficiency of the intensity-based Monte Carlo simulation so that it can simulate three commonly used bio-optical detection system .

  21. 基于生物光学特性的水下光学信道模型,建立了水下光学通信系统性能分析方法。

    An underwater optical channel model which is based on the bio-optical properties is proposed in this paper , and the performance of the underwater optical communications system is evaluated .

  22. 全内反射荧光显微技术是当今世界上最具前途的新型生物光学显微技术之一,可以用来实现对单个荧光分子的直接探测。

    The total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy is one of the most promising bio optical techniques in the world , which has been used to observe single fluorescent molecule directly .

  23. 水色遥感是依据水体的光谱特征,经过大气校正,并依据生物光学特性来反演水质参数的一种方法。

    Ocean Color Remote sensing is a method to derive water quality parameters based on the optical properties of biological in use of the spectral characteristics of the three components of ocean color .

  24. 本文综述了海洋水色遥感监测技术、赤潮生物光学检测技术及赤潮生物生物学分析技术的研究现状及其发展趋势。

    The article summarize the present situation of research about the ocean color remote sensing technique , optics inspection technique of harmful algae , biology analyze technique of harmful algae and their developing trend .

  25. 随着分子标记技术和光学成像技术的发展,在体生物光学成像倍受关注,已经开始应用于对生物组织的生理或病理过程的无损实时动态成像。

    With the development of molecular marker technology and bioluminescent imaging , in vivo bioluminescent imaging has received more and more attention . It has been applied to noninvasive real-time imaging of physiological and pathological process in biological tissues .

  26. 水体后向散射系数的反演模型研究是II类水体生物-光学算法开发的重要组成部分。

    The inversing model of backscattering coefficient is important to study the bio optical algorithm in case II water .

  27. 光学相干层析成像(OCT)是一种高分辨率、无损的生物组织光学成像技术。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a noninvasive morphological method . It allows high-resolution imaging in vivo .

  28. 全球范围的大多数海区,特别是一类海区,生物-光学特性的垂直分布是不均匀的,南海典型的垂直分布结构是在50~100m水层存在极大值分布。

    The vertical distribution of bio-optical properties is non-uniform for most of the world ocean , especially for Class I waters . The typical vertical chlorophyll maximum depth in the South China Sea is about 50m to 100m .

  29. 生物组织光学特性的测量方法及医学应用

    Measuring Methods for Optical Properties of Tissue and Applications in Medicine

  30. 生物组织光学特性参数的无创检测理论与技术

    Theory and technology of nondestructive measurement for biological tissue optical properties