
shǎo gēng
  • minimal tillage
少耕[shǎo gēng]
  1. 试验研究保护性耕作与秸秆还田对土壤微生物及其溶P特性结果表明,免耕和秸秆还田均能促进土壤麦角固醇的增加,而少耕却显著提高土壤微生物生物量。

    The effects of conservation tillage and straw application on the soil microorganisms and P-dissolving characteristics were studied . The results show that minimum tillage has a good effect on the microbial carbon , zero tillage and straw application can increase the ergosterol level and accumulation of organic-C in soil .

  2. 少耕法、免耕法及其所用机具

    Less-ploughing method , no-ploughing method and employed machines and tools

  3. 保护耕作系统&美国农业的少耕和免耕系统

    Conservation Tillage Systems Minimum Tillage and No & till System in America

  4. 高寒易旱区少耕法的效果和效益

    The effect and benefit of minimum tillage in cold and Arid Region

  5. 宁夏半干旱区深松少耕法对糜子生理过程的影响

    Effects of Deep Loosening and Minimum Tillage on Physiological Process of Panic

  6. 旱地小麦少耕沟播覆盖技术研究

    Study on Cultivation Technique of Reduced Tillage , Furrow Sowing and Straw Mulching

  7. 茬地覆盖少耕、免耕播种技术的研究

    Studies on the Mechanization Technology for Minimum-Tillage and No-Tillage Sowing of Stubble Land Covering

  8. 稻田节水少耕技术及机具的初步研究

    Preliminary study on minimum tillage with water saving technology and implement for paddy field

  9. 秸杆覆盖与少耕的土壤环境及玉米产量效应

    Influence of Wheat Straw Mulch with Less Tillage on Soil Environment and Corn Yield

  10. 旱地玉米、小麦免、少耕秸秆覆盖技术

    No-and Reduced-Tillage with Residue Mulching and Corn ( Wheat ) Produciton in Semi-arid Regions

  11. 贵州旱地玉米少耕免耕运用研究

    Studies on Planting Corns with Minimum Tillage and No-Tillage on Nonirrigated Farmland in Guizhou province

  12. 林业少耕法栽培杉木营林模式的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Silvicultural Pattern for Cultivating Cunninghamia lanceolata with the Minimum Tillage

  13. 聚水集肥、带松茬种少耕法的水分利用效应

    Water Use Efficiency of Reduced Tillage with Strip Loosing and Stub Sowing and Water Nutrient Collecting

  14. 丘陵旱坡耕地多熟作物覆盖少耕的研究

    Research on multiple cropping and less tillage on dry sloping land of hills in Sichuan Basin

  15. 试论我国机械化少耕法及其发展前景

    Trying to have a discussion on our country 's mechanized minimum tillage system and its development prospect

  16. 免耕和少耕能显著增加土壤表层微生物量碳。

    Zero tillage and minimum tillage can significantly increase the microbial biomass carbon on the soil surface .

  17. 少耕节能是实现效益最大化的有效途径之一。

    Cutting cultivation to economize on energy is one of the effective ways to farther achieve the benefit .

  18. 该研究发现的第五个可能提高高梁产量的方法是农作物少耕法。

    And the fifth way that the study found may improve sorghum production is to reduce crop tillage .

  19. 少耕法在小麦生产中的应用(一)&节能效果及小麦产量性状表现

    Application of mini-tillage in winter wheat production & effect of saving energy and expression of Wheat Yield Characters

  20. 水稻少耕撤播试验及其生理生态特性的分析研究

    The experiment of minimum tillage and seed broadcast sowing in rice planting and its physiological and ecological analysis

  21. 水稻少耕及其生理生态特性研究进展

    Progress of the research on the reduced-tillage broadcast sowing technique in rice cultivation and its physiological and ecological characters

  22. 在所有的其它方面,少耕下的作物施肥和传统耕作制下的均类似。

    In all other respects , fertilization of crops grown under reduced tillage is comparable to fertilization under conventional tillage .

  23. 主要包括免耕或少耕播种施肥技术,秸秆残茬处理技术,杂草、病虫害控制和防治技术,深松技术等四大技术内容。

    The main technologies include : none or less farming for fertilization ; the processing of crop stalk and stubble ;

  24. 因此少耕比常耕具有更好的经济效益、社会效益和土壤生态效益。

    Thus minimum tillage method has better economic benefits , social benefits and ecological benefits than that of conventional tillage method .

  25. 带作少耕栽培法试验于1991~1993年,在所内外进行。

    The test of strip planting and minimum tillage was carried out from 1991 to 1993 in and outside the Institute .

  26. 实现了少耕和根茬及部分秸秆还田的保护性耕作方式。

    Fourth , it realized the conservation tillage by reduced tillage and putting rootstalk and part of straws back into field .

  27. 寒地麦豆产区少耕法的研究&兼述抗旱培肥的效应

    Research on Mini-tillage in the Cold Lands of Wheat-soybean Producing Areas & Dealing with Effects of Bettering Soil Fertility for Drought Resistance

  28. 尽管少耕可以有效降低土壤流失,但其产生的径流量和常规耕作相近。

    Although soil losses under reduced tillage decreased by half compared to conventional tillage , the differences in runoff amounts were small .

  29. 工业较发达国家已采用免耕或少耕技术,其代价是使用更多除草剂防治可能出现的草害。

    In more industrialized countries , zero and reduced tillage has been adopted but usually at the expense of using more herbicides to control occurring weed problems .

  30. 虽然在少耕制下,土壤钾有明显的分层分布但在土表附近,作物根系发达保证作物对钾有足够的吸收。

    Even though potassium is stratified under reduced tillage , it is apparent that roots proliferate sufficiently near the soil surface to assume adequate potassium uptake by crops .