
  • 网络environmental ethics
  1. 人与土地的和谐共处&评美国作家约翰·斯坦贝克的环境伦理观

    Steinbeck 's Environmental Ethics : Humanity in Harmony with the Land

  2. 环境伦理观与中国城市的可持续发展

    Outlook on Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development of Chinese City

  3. 政府决策中环境伦理观缺失。

    3rd , the government decision in environment ethics imperfection .

  4. 可持续发展环境伦理观:一种新型的环境伦理理论

    The Environmental Ethics of Sustainable Development : A New Theory of Environmental Ethics

  5. 建筑伦理价值观的扩展&批判的环境伦理观

    Expansion about the Value of Architectural Ethic & View of Critical Environment Ethic

  6. 环境伦理观:一种重要的城市规划价值观

    Environmental ethics : an important view of urban planning

  7. 第四章理性的消解与后现代环境伦理观。

    Chapter 4 : The deconstruction of reason and the postmodern environmental ethics .

  8. 可持续发展环境伦理观探析

    Analysis on View of Sustainable Development Environment Ethics

  9. 环境伦理观之探析

    Research on the Environmental Ethics

  10. 西部大开发必须遵循可持续发展的环境伦理观。

    The development of the West regions must keep on the environment moral philosophies of the sustainable development .

  11. 论珠海可持续发展环境伦理观的演进

    Sustainable Development-Environmental-Ethics in Zhuhai

  12. 从人的方面来说,首先是环境伦理观的偏差,人们陷入了片面的人类中心主义。

    Firstly , people have fallen into the one-sided human centre doctrine because of a deviation of the environmental ethics ;

  13. 第四章可持续发展环境伦理观模式探析,是全文的重点及落脚点。

    Chapter four sustainable development environment ethics mode analysis is the focal point of the full text and temporary lodging .

  14. 从他的早期作品以及群体人观点和非目的论思想中也都能看出这种环境伦理观。

    In addition , his early works , his " group-man " theory and " nonteleological " idea also reflect this environmental ethics .

  15. 鄱阳湖地区生态旅游应遵循生态环境伦理观的要求,倡导合理、健康的消费。

    The Poyang Lake area of ecotourism should follow the requirements of the ecological environment ethics , advocating reasonable and healthy to consume .

  16. 人居环境伦理观赋予人关心和保护人居环境,从而其实也是关心与保护人类自己的特殊职责。

    The residential environment ethic presents the human duty to care about and protect residential environment and actually to protect human beings themselves .

  17. 同时文章试图寻找循环经济与可持续发展的环境伦理观的互动,认为循环经济应从后者汲取营养,承认自然的固有价值,从而达到其伦理观的升华。

    At the same time , circular economy should obey the rule of sustainable development ethics ; acknowledge the inherent value of nature .

  18. 在科学理性挑战价值理性面前,非人类中心主义和人类中心主义环境伦理观作出了不同的回应。

    Faced with the challenge from scientific rationality to value rationality , both non-anthropocentricism and anthropocentricism react respectively from the perspective of environmental ethics .

  19. 这一基础决定了可持续发展的环境伦理观关于处理人与自然之间关系的环境伦理原则。

    And this basis decides the environmental ethics principles of environmental ethics of sustainable development which deals with the relation between man and nature .

  20. 可持续发展的环境伦理观是学术界研究可持续发展和环境伦理学的过程中形成的一种新的环境伦理理论。

    The concept of environmental ethics of sustainable development is a new theory in the academic studying field of sustainable development of environment and environmental ethics .

  21. 引论阐明了本文研究的时代背景、国内外研究现状、可持续发展环境伦理观的现实意义。

    Guide theory expound era background of research of this text , study current situation , sustainable development environment realistic meaning of ethics both at home and abroad .

  22. 本文从伦理学角度论述了人类环境伦理观的形成,环境伦理对公众参与环境保护的影响以及可持续发展的环境道德原则。

    This paper studies the forming of human environmental ethics in ethnics light , the impact on public participation and environmental protection , environmental moral principles of sustainable development .

  23. 其次对生态旅游的指导思想&生态旅游环境伦理观的发展、内容、原则和规范加以介绍。

    Secondly the paper introduces the guiding ideology of ecotourism , which includes the development of the concept , content , and the principles and norms of ecotourism environmental ethics .

  24. 追求人与自然和谐统一的整体价值观是可持续发展环境伦理观的理论基础。

    With the view of conformity to view the values of the harmonious integration of man and nature is the theoretical basis of the theory of environmental ethics of sustainable development .

  25. 生态损害的特点及现代环境伦理观,决定了生态侵权救济的重要性,对生态侵权损害进行救济是维护生态安全、保持社会稳定的需要。

    The characteristics of ecological damage and the modern concept of environmental ethics , the decision of the ecological importance of tort remedies for infringement of ecological damage is to maintain ecological safety Relief , maintaining social stability .

  26. 作为可持续发展环境伦理观有效载体的循环经济,力求将环境融入经济活动之中,是转变发展模式、建立节约型社会的有效途径。

    The circulating economy is a body effectively of the sustained development of environment ethics that strives to integrate environment into the economic activities , which is a valid approach to change development mode and establish economy type society .

  27. 同时餐饮行业应提高自身素质,加强行业自律。消费者则需要树立人与自然和谐的生态消费观,减少不必要的消费,建立环境伦理观。

    The people who are working in the catering industry are suppose to upgrading the their own quality and self-discipline while the consumers need to establish the ecological consumption value to cut down the unnecessary consume and set up environmental ethic .

  28. 第一章可持续发展环境伦理观的缘起,对可持续发展环境伦理观的科学理论基础、哲学理论基础及伦理学基本理论在可持续发展中的运用及内涵的基本概念进行了详细的阐述。

    Chapter one the origin of sustainable development environment ethics , scientific theoretical foundation to sustainable development environment ethics , the theoretical foundation of philosophy and application in sustainable development of basic theories of ethics and basic conception of intension have carried on detailed exposition .

  29. 可持续发展环境伦理观的提出是从生态危机和生存危机引发的忧患意识出发,对人类自然观和价值观的深刻反思和变革建立的一种新的有机整体的自然观和价值观。

    The proposition of sustainable development environment ethics survives from the ecological crisis the suffering consciousness that the crisis cause set out , improve one new organic natural view and values of whole that set up to mankind natural view and deep introspection of values .

  30. 第;章可持续发展环境伦理观的内涵剖析,通过对发展和可持续的解读以及可持续发展的环境伦理意蕴的分析来理解可持续发展,并列举了可持续发展环境伦理观的四条基本原则。

    Chapter 3-the connotation analysis of Sustainable Development Environment Ethics , comprehend the Sustainable Development in terms of the environmental ethics through unscrambling the two words : development and sustainable and analyzing the environmental ethics connotation of Sustainable Development , furthermore , enumerate the four fundamental principles .