
  1. 碱性环境促进重金属Mo从钼尾矿中迁移释放,并易在河流水体中迁移。

    Heavy metal Mo migrated easily in mine tailings and in the Never River for the alkaline condition .

  2. 伤口液促进MSC的增殖活性和迁移能力;局部微环境促进MSC基质源性因子(SDF1)、IL8、Ⅰ型胶原的基因表达。

    The wound exudation promoted the proliferation and immigration of MSCs and the wound microenvironment affected the gene expression of stromal cell derived factor 1 ( SDF 1 ), interleukin 8 , collagen type ⅰ when MSCs were transplanted onto the wound surface .

  3. 整治采煤塌陷区环境促进矿区可持续发展

    Renovating Environment in Subsidence Area and Promoting Sustainable Development of Minefield

  4. 保护水环境促进长江经济带的可持续发展

    Protecting water environment & promoting sustainable development of Changjiang economic belt

  5. 营造良好环境促进民营经济持续发展

    Construction is good and environmental to promote privately owned economic continued development

  6. 优化学校教育环境促进创新教育实施

    Improving the School Educational Environment and Promoting the Application of Creative Education

  7. 模拟微重力环境促进人间充质干细胞体外高效增殖

    High-performance proliferation of hMSCs in the mimic microgravity environment

  8. 营造良好发展环境促进工程造价咨询行业快速健康发展

    Building Good Development Environment And Promoting The Development Of Engineering Cost Consultation Industry

  9. 营造网络应用环境促进网络建设发展

    Building Network Applicating Environment and Improving Network Construction

  10. 改善人居环境促进城市和谐发展

    The improvement of human residential environment and the enhancement of cities ' harmonious development

  11. 积极优化商务投资环境促进滨海新区更快发展

    Optimizing Commerce & Investment Atmosphere to Promote Faster Growth in New Zone of Binhai

  12. 该环境促进流程及信息的共享。

    This environment enables processes , as well as information , to be shared .

  13. 维护生态环境促进经济发展

    Protect Ecological Environment and Promote Economy Development

  14. 优化医院环境促进医院发展

    Optimize hospital environment to boost hospital development

  15. 合理利用土地资源改善生态环境促进社会发展

    Rationalizing the utilization of land resources and ameliorating the ecological environment to promote social development

  16. 同时宽松的监管环境促进了金融行业的繁荣。

    At the same time , lax regulatory environment promoted the prosperity of financial industry .

  17. 改善人文环境促进生态建设

    Improving Humanistic Environment and Promoting Eco-construction

  18. 优化校园环境促进高校思想政治教育的实效性

    On the Enforcement of Efficiency of Ideological and Political Education of Higher Education by Optimizing Campus Environment

  19. 环境促进滋生的细胞群落多次形成不定芽与再生根。

    The conditions promote the multiple formation of adventitious buds and regenerated roots in proliferating colonies of cells .

  20. 通过培养儿童对音乐的兴趣和创设良好的音乐教学环境促进儿童良好性格的形成。

    We can promote the children 's good charter shaping by creating good musical education environment , and humanistic education fashion .

  21. 人脐血源基质细胞移植重建造血微环境促进巨核细胞生成的实验研究

    Experimental study on reparative effect of human umbilical cord blood stromal cells transplantation on reconstruction of hematopoietic microenvironment and enhancement of megakaryocytopoiesis

  22. 除了保育天然环境促进持续发展外,湿地公园更是集教育和旅游于一身的好去处。

    Apart from preserving the natural habitat to achieve sustainable development , the wetland park will be a good educational and tourist facility in Hong kong .

  23. 学生汉语水平发展随着年级的增长而有所提高,专业课程的汉语教学环境促进了学生汉语能力的提高。

    With the growing grade , level of Chinese of students is developing . Learning environment of Chinese language teaching in professional courses promote the Chinese capabilities of students .

  24. 既要提供有利环境促进农业劳动力的转移,又要为劳动力转移以后的农村发展提供更有利的政策支持;

    We must provide more advantaged policy supply for the village development after the transfer of labor forces in rural areas , as well as increate more advantaged conditions to improve the transfer of labor forces .

  25. 可以通过城市产业结构的调整,港口科学规划、加大投入力度,港区一体化发展以及改善港口通过环境促进港城协调发展。

    We can take some measures to adjust industrial structure of the city , regulate the port scientifically , increase the amount of investment largely , integrate the whole harbor area and promote the passing environment of the port .

  26. 信息技术的高速发展,强烈冲击着传统的供应链管理模式,电子商务环境促进了供应链中信息流的改善,使各环节实现信息共享。

    The fast developing information technology strongly lashes the traditional supply chain management model and deeply transforms the supply chain information management . In the environment of E commerce , the information flow has been improved and the information is shared .

  27. 本文重点分析了目前实现区域孵化器网络存在的制度困境,并在此基础上提出了一些相应的对策,以形成适宜的制度环境促进区域孵化器网络化的实现。

    This paper mainly analyzes the existing system plights for realizing regional incubator networks . Based on the analysis , this paper also puts forward some corresponding countermeasures to form an appropriate system environment , accelerating the realization of regional incubator networks .

  28. 深刻理解WTO环境规则促进我国贸易与环境的法律协调

    Probing into the WTO Environmental Regulations and Improving the Harmonization of Laws between Domestic Trade and Environment

  29. 结论PSS能改善大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注后的损伤脑环境,促进鸡胚背根神经节生长,对局灶性脑缺血有保护作用。

    CONCLUSION PSS could improve brain environment of ischemia reperfusion and promote the growth of the DRG . It implys that PSS is able to protect cerebrum against focal ischemia .

  30. 当日粮NFC/RDP水平一定时,NFC相对于RDP能更好地改善瘤胃环境、促进瘤胃发酵、提高饲料降解率。

    NFC was better than RDP on improving rumen environment and rumen fermentation and promoting feed degradation rate when NFC / RDP value was same .