
  • 网络soccer game;football game;fifa;Pro Evolution Soccer
  1. 利用投影在桌面上的游戏控制器,两名玩家可以通过两部相连的iPad玩足球游戏。

    Game controllers project out onto the surface of the table , while two players play a football game with the help of the two combined iPads .

  2. 也许你玩过的任何一个足球游戏都不能保证给你如此多的射门机会和细腻选项!

    Perhaps you played any football game can guarantee to you so many opportunities to shoot and delicate choice !

  3. 想要玩触身式美式足球游戏吗?

    Ready for a pick-up game of touch football ?

  4. 我偏爱足球游戏,在上面花了许多时间。

    I prefer the football games , with which I spend a lot of time .

  5. 它还将设立“球迷区”,并在各城市中心地带举办大型桌上足球游戏。

    It will also set up " fanzones " and giant table football games in the city centres .

  6. 以多种形式的足球游戏和比赛为主要实践形式,学习足球运动的基本理论、基本技术、基本技能。

    This dissertation concentrates on learning the basic theory , basic techniques and tactics by practicing in various football games .

  7. 去年,我发明了一张电脑足球游戏,一家大公司已经决定要从我这里买下它。

    Last year I invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from me .

  8. 足球游戏是专修班教学活动的重要内容,也是训练手段之一。

    The football game is a important content of teaching activities for special course , the football game is a training mean too .

  9. 尽管虚拟足球游戏与现实世界或许没有一点关系,但你无疑需要花时间去关注你的球队。你不仅得观看所有的比赛,而且还得买卖队员。

    While fantasy football might have little to do with the real world , it certainly takes real time to attend to your team .

  10. 据说,希腊人和罗马人在中世纪以前就已经从事一种足球游戏了。

    It is said , the Greek and Israel in Middle Ages , native of Rome Already been engaged in a kind of soccer game ago .

  11. 我会尽力去那里,但我的孩子拥有一个足球游戏,我不能错过,如果有一个时间冲突。

    I 'll try to get there , but my kid has a football game that I can 't miss if there is a time conflict .

  12. 这款游戏囊括了一切,它展示双方的速度,技巧和视野。这三个要素是这款虚拟足球游戏的看点。

    He encapsulates everything that is good about the modern game , showcasing both pace , skill and vision-three elements that play a major part in PES2010 as a football simulation .

  13. 一个小男孩受邀参加足球游戏,但是当他到达说好的地方后,他和他的队员都被抓到一个训练营里。

    One boy was invited to play a game of football , but when he arrived at the field , he and his teammates were captured and sent to a training camp .

  14. 只管把它揉作一团玩你最喜欢的(足球)游戏!

    Just crumble up the paper and play your favorite game .

  15. 并且基于此框架的开发的足球模拟游戏,也成功验证了它的有效性。

    And , a soccer game based on this a architecture has proven its effectiveness .

  16. 她说:尼克老是把足球、游戏机和他的狐朋狗友看得比我重要,而且他的时间观念还很差!

    She said : ' Nick has always put football , Playstation , work and his mates before me and he 's awful with dates !

  17. 足球和电脑游戏一样深受青年喜爱。

    Football as well as computer games is popular with young people .

  18. 足球彩票胜负游戏的优化投资&在线组合优化

    Optimization Investment of Football Lottery Game & Online Combinatorial Optimization

  19. 不同于高尔夫球和足球这样的游戏活动,没有人为登山制定规则。

    There are no man-made rules , as there are for31 games as golf and football .

  20. 她是对的:相比之下,足球只是一种游戏。

    She is right : by comparison , football is only a game .

  21. 射手:正与亲戚争论着是要看足球比赛还是打游戏。

    Sagittarius : Argues with other relatives over whether the TV is to be used for football or video games .

  22. 但是我们已经在改变家长们的思想,他们一直任务自己的女儿不能踢足球这样男人的游戏。

    But we 've also got to change the mindset of parents who think their daughters shouldn 't play football because it 's a man 's game .

  23. 追溯到大约11世纪时期的宋朝,人们开始玩一种叫做蹴鞠的游戏,一种被看作古老足球的起源的游戏。

    Back to Song Dynasty , about the11th century , people started to play a game called Cuju , which is regarded as the origin of ancient football .

  24. 课程内容注重足球技巧,体能训练,足球游戏提升学习兴趣。

    Classes included teaching soccer techniques , building good sportsmanship and fun games .

  25. 乐高玩具-世界杯足球不是一款传统的足球比赛游戏。

    LEGO - World Soccer is not a traditional football game .

  26. 世界足球打比拼是个掌上足球游戏,你可以选择你喜欢的球队,然后你讲控制全队的队员与其它球队对垒!

    In the game , you can choose your favourable football team and then you control all the football players in the team to compete with other world-class team !

  27. 游戏是以足球棋的方式进行,比较另类的一种足球游戏,操作起来有点困难。

    The game is carries on by the soccer chess 's way , compared with the kind of one kind of soccer game , operates a little difficultly in addition .