
  1. 他们如坐针毡般地等待足球比分。

    They waited on pins and needles for the football scores .

  2. 其中一位是盲人,旁边的同事正将足球比分念给他听。

    One was blind , and his colleague , whom he was sitting next to , was reading him the football scores .

  3. 足球比赛的比分是四比一。

    The score in the football game was 4 1 .

  4. 昨天我们踢了一场足球比赛,比分平了3比3。

    We played a soccer game yesterday the score was tied three to three .

  5. 昨天足球赛的最后比分是多少?

    What was the final score of yesterday 's football match ?