
  • 网络player of the year;DON BALON
  1. 巴西队队长卢西奥支持杰拉德当选FIFA世界足球先生。

    Brazil captain Lucio has backed Steven Gerrard for FIFA World Player of the Year .

  2. 这位29岁的葡萄牙国家队队员还曾在2000年12月获得了欧洲足球先生称号,毋庸置疑,他已经证明了自己是足球运动历史上最好的前锋之一。

    The29-year-old Portuguese international , who was named European Player of the Year in December , 2000 , has proved beyond all doubt that he is one of the best forwards in the history of the game .

  3. 效力于意大利AC米兰队的乌克兰“核弹头”舍甫琴科日前终于以175票如愿以偿地当选了2004年“欧洲足球先生”。

    Milan 's Ukrainian striker Andriy Shevchenko was yesterday named the European Footballer of the Year , dedicating the award to the people of Ukraine .

  4. C罗曾4次获得年度足球先生,2016年他带领葡萄牙队夺得欧洲杯冠军,C罗铜像本该是一种象征“卓越典范”的荣耀。

    It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an " example of excellence , " the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year 's European Championship .

  5. 他相信指责这位世界足球先生不忠诚是不对的,他已经在OT呆了6年,比曼联传奇坎通纳还多1年。

    He believes it is wrong to accuse the World Player of the Year of disloyalty considering he spent six years at Old Trafford , one more than the United legend Eric Cantona .

  6. 同时还担任亚冠联赛(AsianChampionsLeague)新科冠军广州恒大队(GuangzhouEvergrande)队长的郑智是继范志毅之后第二位获得亚洲足球先生的中国球员。范志毅在2001年曾获这一荣誉。

    Zheng , who is also captain of Asian Champions League winner Guangzhou Evergrande , is the first Chinese player to win the top Asian footballer award since Fan Zhiyi more than a decade ago , in 2001 .

  7. 而这位足球先生收到他的老板,车臣总统卡德罗夫(RamzanKadyrov)发出的最后通牒,必须赢得最新的一场比赛,否则将会被解雇。

    The former World Player of the Year had been given an ultimatum by his boss , the Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov , to win his latest match or get the sack .

  8. 杰拉德(利物浦):他在2005年欧洲足球先生中位列第三。

    Gerrard ( Liverpool ): He got the3rd place in2005 European Player .

  9. 济科曾经当选过三次南美足球先生。

    He was named South American footballer of the year on three occasions .

  10. 近五年来的足球先生都是海外球员。

    The last five Footballers of the Year have all been players from overseas .

  11. 此前,齐达内已在1998年度和2000年度当选世界足球先生,共有142名世界各地的国家教练参与投票。

    Zidane , who also won in1998 and2000 , led a poll of142 national coaches .

  12. 我认为如果他成为足球先生的话没人能说个不字。

    I don 't think anyone could argue with him as Footballer of the Year .

  13. 梅西还曾五次获得世界足球先生金球奖的殊荣。

    He has won the Ballon d'Or award for the world 's best player five times .

  14. 罗纳尔迪尼奥荣获年度欧洲足球先生

    Ronaldinho Named European Footballer of Year

  15. 加纳的桑德兰球星阿萨莫阿·吉安加冕2010年非洲足球先生。

    Ghana and Sunderland star Asamoah Gyan has been crowned BBC African Footballer of the Year for2010 .

  16. 切尔西球星克劳德。马克莱莱相信迪迪埃。德罗巴应该被冠以足球先生名誉。

    Chelsea Football Club ace Claude Makelele believes Didier Drogba should be crowned Footballer of the year .

  17. 作为职业球员,卡卡的成功随后达到顶峰,他荣膺2006-2007赛季世界足球先生。

    His success as a football player culminated when people selected him2006-2007 World Player of the Year .

  18. 当选2009年世界足球先生的梅西在三个进球中都发挥了重大作用。

    Messi , the world player of the year , who played a key role in three goals .

  19. 2006年12月18日,他在国际足联年度足球先生评选中一举夺魁。

    He did this by winning the FIFA Player of the Year award on December 18 , 2006 .

  20. 他将在五月十八日在伦敦举行的年度足球先生的宴会上接受颁奖。

    He will receive the award at the Footballer of the Year dinner in London on May 18 .

  21. 卡纳瓦罗的什么特质使他赢得了金球和世界足球先生?

    What does Cannavaro have that won him the Golden Ball and FIFA World Player of the Year ?

  22. 前金球奖得主贾尼。里维拉认为詹鲁吉。布冯应该获得今年的欧洲足球先生。

    Golden Ball winner Gianni Rivera believes that Gianluigi Buffon deserved to be voted European Footballer of the Year .

  23. 尤文图斯体育总监塞科希望布冯能够加冕2006年度的欧洲足球先生。

    Juventus sporting director Alessio Secco is hoping that Gianluigi Buffon is crowned European player of the year for2006 .

  24. 他在影像日记中透露了自己在世界足球先生评选中屈居罗纳尔迪尼奥之后的感受。

    He has already revealed how he felt after finishing behind Ronaldinho in the world player of the year awards .

  25. 罗纳尔多成为第一位三度当选世界足球先生的球员。

    Ronaldo 's rise becomes the first player to win the FIFa World Player of the Year award three times .

  26. 切赫同时也是被提名为年度世界足球先生的五名切尔西队员中的一员。

    Cech is also among five Chelsea stars on the shortlist for this year 's FIFA World Player of the year .

  27. 效力于西班牙甲级联赛巴塞罗那队的喀麦隆籍前锋埃托奥、英超切尔西队的象牙海岸籍射手德罗巴以及效力于英超博尔顿队的尼日利亚队队长奥科察将是2004年度非洲足球先生的最有力竞争者。

    The Barcelona striker is the hot favourite to pip Didier Drogba of the Ivory Coast and Nigeria captain Jay-Jay Okocha .

  28. 文森特在2004年被选位比利时足球先生,并且已经大体上赢得了国家队的认可。

    Kompany was voted Belgian player of the year in2004 , and has already earned international recognition on a regular basis .

  29. 这位两次获得世界足球先生的国际明星被指控由于酒吧和迪斯科而分散了注意力。

    The two-time World Player of the Year and an international celebrity was accused of being distracted by bars and discos .

  30. 这位前欧洲足球先生已经宣称他们的球队有实力赢得世界杯。

    The former European Footballer of the Year has already claimed that his squad is good enough to win this World Cup .