
zú nèi fān
  • strephenopodia
足内翻[zú nèi fān]
  1. 结果随访1~3年,足外翻完全矫正42例,残留部分足下垂畸形6例,无并发足内翻畸形。

    Results All the cases were followed up for 1 ~ 3 years , 42 patients were cured , 6 patients remained partially footdrop , and no strephenopodia occured .

  2. 透穴刺法治疗中风后足内翻疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of point-through-point acupunture on strephenopodia after apoplexy

  3. 排针疗法结合康复训练治疗脑卒中后足内翻的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Pin Therapy Combined with Rehabilitation Training for PostStroke Varus Foot

  4. 目的:观察神经肌肉促进技术治疗脑卒中后足内翻的疗效。

    Objective : To observe neuromuscular facilitation techniques in the strephenopodia after stroke .

  5. 1例胎儿水肿综合征漏诊其双足内翻畸形,占4.5%(1/22)。

    Case 4.5 % ,( 1 / 22 ) resulted in a fetal edema syndrome which was missed diagnosed its strephenopodia abnormality .

  6. 输液过程中,患者出现大汗淋漓,双下肢肌张力增高,足内翻屈曲。

    During infusion , the patient developed polyhidrosis , hypermyotonia of both lower extremities , as well as talipes varus and inflexion .

  7. 目的:研究头针快速提插捻转法针刺对脑梗塞后足内翻的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of twirling , lifting and thrusting needles of scalp point on talipes varus due to cerebral infarction .

  8. 结果1.电针治疗及普通针刺治疗均可以有效的改善中风病患者的足内翻状况,但电针治疗效果明显优于单纯的普通针刺治疗。

    Electroacupuncture treatment and regular acupuncture treatment can be effective in improving stroke patients varus position , but the treatment effect of acupuncture was better than ordinary acupuncture . 2 .

  9. 外侧人赂同样也可在患者仰卧位下进行,但需在患侧臀部下垫沙袋,内旋患侧髋关节,并将足内翻。

    The lateral approach also can be made with the patient supine by placing a sandbag under the ipsilateral buttock , internally rotating the hip , and inverting the foot .

  10. 术前足部畸形9例,术后4例足内翻张力减低,余5例无明显功能变化。

    Out of 9 cases of equinovarus , the tension of varus was decreased in 4 cases and no obvious functional improvement was observed in the rest of 5 cases .

  11. 针刺康复组的痛肩发生率低于单纯康复组(P<0.05),但两组间肩手综合征和足下垂或足内翻的发生率差异无显著性意义。

    But there was no significant difference on the incidence of myospasm , shoulder-hand syndrome and the drooped foot between the two groups . Conclusion : Acupuncture combined with the early rehabilitation may improve motor function and raise the ADL scores of patients after stroke .

  12. 足主要内翻肌和外翻肌肌纤维型分布

    Distribution of myofiber types in human main invertors and evertors of foot

  13. 当足处于内翻状态时,跖骨应力分布状态大幅度改变,外侧跖骨开始起主要支撑作用。

    When the foot was inverted state , stress distribution of metatarsal changed significantly . Lateral metatarsal played a major role in supporting .

  14. 在高弓足和马蹄内翻足的病例,同时施行截骨矫形、跟腱延长或肌腱转移等其他手术。

    In cavus and equinovarus feet , additional osteotomy , Achilles tendon lengthening , tendon transfer or others were simultaneously performed .

  15. 马蹄足与马蹄内翻足的分类及外科治疗策略通络中药磁疗足浴防治糖尿病足临床观察

    The Classification of Deformity of Talipes Equinus and Talipes Equinovarus and the Pre-operation Planning of Surgical Technique ; The clinical observation of preventing and curing diabetes foot patients treated by TCM and electromagnetism and pediluvium

  16. 步态情况:不同程度尖足现象80例,交叉腿、剪刀步态62例,足内翻或外翻畸形42例,膝关节屈曲不能伸直18例。

    Gait : There were 80 cases of sharp foot to different extents , 62 of crossing leg or scissors gait , 42 of foot inversion or eversion , and 18 of knee joint bent .