
  • 网络gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang;Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of Foot;The Gallbadder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang
  1. 结果:针刺健康人足少阳胆经的下合穴后,胆囊容积及胆总管内径虽有不同程度的改变,但无统计学意义(P>005)。

    Results : The volume of gallbladder raised after acupuncture , but hadn 't significant changes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 结论:针刺足少阳胆经的下合穴对生理状态下的胆囊收缩功能无明显影响。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture on lower confluent point of the gallbladder ( Yanglingquan GB34 ) point hasn 't obvious influence on biliary tract contraction in normal people .

  3. 目的:探讨针刺足少阳胆经的下合穴对健康人胆囊收缩功能的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of acupuncture of lower confluent point of gall bladder ( yanglingquan GB34 ) on the biliary tract contraction in healthy people .

  4. 主要选取足太阳膀胱经和足少阳胆经的腧穴,腧穴选择主要为五输穴及下合穴。

    Mainly selected by the Urinary Bladder Meridian of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang through the acupoints , selected acupoints are mainly Wushu Points and Xiahe Points .

  5. 对照组热敏化腧穴主要分布经络为足阳明胃经34.3%、足太阳膀胱经14.3%、足太阴脾经14.3%、足少阳胆经11.4%、任脉8.6%等。

    The treatment group thermal acupoints are mainly distributed in the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming , Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang , Ren Meridian and Spleen Meridian of Foot-taiyin .