
  • 网络football industry
  1. 通过运用产业组织理论中S-C-P范式,列举了部分近年来的数据,对中国目前的足球产业发展作出相关经济分析,并提出相关的政策建议。

    The paper employs the model of S-C-P according to the theory of industry structure , provides the statistics in recent years , makes relevant economic analysis of the Chinese football industry and puts forward some strategic suggestions .

  2. 我国足球产业与市场消费的关系分析

    The Relationship Between Football Industry and Market Consumption in China

  3. 那么,这个足球产业重地,或者说足球界的硅谷,是怎样一番情形呢?

    So , what is this industry cluster-this Silicon Valley of soccer-like ?

  4. 关于我国足球产业化发展现状的研究

    Study on Developing Condition of Football Industrialization Development in China

  5. 中国足球产业的催化剂&足球经纪人

    Football Broker & The Catalyst of Chinese Football Estate

  6. 我国足球产业的形成与发展策略

    Formation and development strategies of football industry in China

  7. 我国足球产业可持续发展探析

    Exploring the Sustainable Development of Chinese Soccer Industry

  8. 论中国足球产业的泡沫经济现象与经营机制的软着陆

    Foam economics phenomenon and soft landing of management mechanism of Soccer Industry in China

  9. 中国足球产业化的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Football Industrialization in China

  10. 论中国足球产业化

    On the Industrialization of Chinese Football

  11. 从资本运营的角度分析中国足球产业资本运营的内涵及其特征,阐明资本运营是中国足球产业化的关键。

    The connotation and characteristics of football industry capital operation in China were analyzed in this paper .

  12. 中国足球产业走向的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Tendency of the Football Industry in China Industrial Trend Industry Trends Towards Dialogue

  13. 中国福特宝足球产业发展公司是中国足球市场化的产物,它伴随着中国足球职业联赛而发展。

    CFIDC as the result of football commercialization has been growing along with the development of Chinese professional leagues .

  14. 全方位、多层次、立体化发展足球产业及相关商业运作,是“福特宝”始终追求的目标。

    Our vision is to develop Chinese football industry and related business in all dimensions and at all levels .

  15. 要实现足球产业化,必须深化体制改革以规范足球市场;

    To realize the football industry turns , musting be deep to turn the system reform with the norm football market .

  16. 结果表明:国外足球产业管理的研究多集中在管理体制、管理模式及电视转播权等方面,而我国主要集中在职业足球俱乐部的经营管理方面。

    Show as a result : the research of abroad soccer industry management is concentrated on management system , management pattern and the right management of television relay , and our country s concentrates on the management of the professional soccer club mainly .

  17. 20世纪初英国足球的产业化主要表现在股份制足球俱乐部的出现、俱乐部经营管理的产业化以及利润化。

    The expression of industrialization of the British football in the early twentieth century is the foundation of the stock football club , the industrialization and the profit-making of the club management .

  18. 足球俱乐部是足球产业的基本单位。

    Football club is the basic unit of the football industry .

  19. 论证了足球经纪人是中国足球走向产业化的催化剂。

    It is indicted that the " Football Broker " is the catalyst for chinese football to the industrialization .

  20. 随着中国足球职业化的发展,中国足球产业正在成为一个新兴产业。

    With the development of Chinese football professionalism , Chinese football industry has become a new industry .

  21. 只有正确认识足球运动员人力资本价值,才能使足球产业朝着健康的方向发展。

    A correct understanding of the human capital value of football players will put the football industry toward a healthy direction .

  22. 中国正在一步步推行足球方面的改革并且已经在努力与英国足球产业建立更多联系。

    China has promoted step-by-step reforms of the football sector and has also tried to make more connections with the British football industry .

  23. 仅靠陈旧的足球学校模式来培养人才已经跟不上足球产业的飞速发展。

    Only depending on the obsolescent model in football school to cultivate the talents cannot catch the speedy development of the football industries .

  24. 球员的价值计量是整个足球俱乐部人力资源会计核算的基础,伴随着中国足球产业经济的不断发展和足球俱乐部制的日趋完善,将会越来越重视对这一领域的研究。

    The valuation of ball players is the basis of human resource accounting in soccer clubs . With the development of China soccer economy , and the professional soccer club system , more and more attention wall be paid to the research in this area .

  25. 每四年一届的世界杯、每四年一届的欧洲杯,都会带来足球在技战术、足球文化,以及与足球相关的文化产业的一种变革和发展。

    The World Cup and the European Cup , which is held every four years , will bring the changes and development of football in technical campaign football culture and its relative culture industry .

  26. 欧洲足球联赛经过100多年的发展,早已经在上个世纪中期就已经成功地实现了足球俱乐部的商业化运作,形成了足球产业。

    European Football League started from 100 years ago , it already has been successfully achieved commercial operation in the middle of last century , and formatted the football industry .

  27. 足球改革是对我国计划经济体制下政府办体育模式的一种创新,目的是提高我国足球运动的水平,满足政府对其社会效益的需求,实现足球产业产业化的目标。

    Football reform is a innovation to the pattern of run sport in planning economics in order to improve football level of China , satisfy government 's requirement of social benefits and accomplish football industry run independently in marketing economics .