
  • 网络Football manager;Soccer Manager;fifa;top eleven;Football Manager Handheld
  1. 足球经理的使用者接口将会显着地不同于以前已经受到的影响任何事。

    Football Manager 's user interface will look markedly different to anything that has come before .

  2. 真正的足球经理:可在线更新你的球员和球队数据库。

    Import your Real Football Manager team , update your player database online or edit it manually .

  3. 足球经理创建了一个匹配引擎,将考虑许多因素。

    Soccer Manager have created a match engine that will look at many factors .

  4. 我也罗列过年事渐高的教皇和随心所欲的足球经理交给我们哪些领导力经验。

    I have listed the leadership lessons taught by ageing popes and capricious football managers .

  5. 我们所有的体育互动,都来自于自己制作的足球经理系列,呈现给大家最深入和准确的模拟真实的足球世界。

    All of us at Sports Interactive pride ourselves on making the Football Manager series the most indepth and accurate simulation of the real football world released .

  6. 委托代理理论视角下我国职业足球俱乐部经理激励研究

    Incentive for the Club Manager of Chinese Professional Football Club from the Perspective of Principal-agent Theory

  7. 60年代后期,阿尔夫.拉姆齐爵士是他那个时代中足球俱乐部经理中最出色的人物。

    In the late sixties , Sir Alf Ramsey was the outstanding man of his day among football managers .

  8. 这位曾担任纽卡斯尔、巴塞罗那和英格兰足球俱乐部经理,职业生涯熠熠生辉的元老级人物经常在遣词用句中显示他毫不造作的幽默感。

    As well as being a great football manager Sir Bobby was often unintentionally funny in the way he used the English language .

  9. 天赋的才能加上为集体牺牲自我的精神使菲戈从世界足坛上众多巨星中脱颖而出,也使他成为了每一个足球俱乐部经理最想得到的球员。

    God-given talent allied with the ability to sacrifice himself for the team are what marks out Figo from the rest of the world 's soccer superstars and puts him top of every manager 's wish list .

  10. 我们从已故的鲍勃·罗布森爵士开始谈起吧。这位曾担任纽卡斯尔、巴塞罗那和英格兰足球俱乐部经理,职业生涯熠熠生辉的元老级人物经常在遣词用句中显示他毫不造作的幽默感。

    Let 's kick off with the late great Sir Bobby Robson , who managed Newcastle , Barcelona and England in a stellar career . As well as being a great football manager Sir Bobby was often unintentionally funny in the way he used the English language 。

  11. 切尔西足球俱乐部前任经理詹卢卡•维亚利(GianlucaVialli)也支持长袖。

    Gianluca Vialli , ex-manager of Chelsea football club , also bats ( or should that be shoots ) for the long sleeve .

  12. 麦克莱尔是我签下的第1个球员,他退役后也成了校线,现在是我们足球学院的经理。

    Brian McClair , one of my first signings as a player , moved to the coaching side and is now manager of our Academy .

  13. 我现在作为足球方面的执行经理。

    I am executive manager of soccer .