
  • 网络no life
  1. 我想如果我老是去接的话大家会以为我没有生活。

    If I always answer the phone , people will think I have no life .

  2. 在美国,我曾有过最炫的生活方式,但那里没有生活。

    Living in US , I had a great life style , but no life .

  3. 他没有生活的目标。

    He has no object in life .

  4. 现在他没有生活的目标。

    Now he had no object in life .

  5. 第十九条遗嘱应当对缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额。

    Article 19 Reservation of a necessary portion of an estate shall be made in a will for a successor who neither can work nor has a source of income .

  6. 因此我们从没有生活过,但我们渴望生活。

    So we never live , but we hope to live ;

  7. 日常生活都是成沉重的苦事,没有生活的乐趣。

    Daily life is hard work for them , without pleasure .

  8. 他成了众人眼中一个没有生活目标的人。

    He became a man without any life goals .

  9. 如果一个人没有生活目标,他永远不会对自己的生活满意。

    A man can 't be content about life without his own goal .

  10. 他目前并没有生活在绅士们当中,

    It was true that he was not at present living among gentlemen .

  11. 我们没有生活在虚拟实在中

    We Do Not Live in the Virtual Reality

  12. 艺术远没有生活重要但没有艺术生活多么乏味呀!

    Art is much less important than life , but what a poor life without it !

  13. 人们的幼稚往往是因为他们太年轻或没有生活经验。

    People are often native because they are young andlor have not had much experience of life .

  14. 我们没有生活在我们母亲和我们祖母生活过的那个世界,

    We don 't live in the world our mothers lived in , our grandmothers lived in ,

  15. 他们企图危险我们,但是,作为美国人,我们没有生活在恐惧中。

    They wanted to terrorize us , but , as Americans , we refuse to live in fear .

  16. 为什么有这么多人有一天醒过来的时候发现她们没有生活在自己的故事里?

    Why do so many people wake up one day and find they are not living their own story ?

  17. 但人并没有生活在真空里,社会的变化肯定会影响到人内心的变化。

    However the changes of society influence the inner life of people , and they become frustrated and insecurity .

  18. 哦,不。但很快又有实证研究让我们放下心来:我们并没有生活这样一个世界里。

    Oh , no. But there soon followed empirical research reassuring us that we did not live in such a land .

  19. “她们没有生活来源,”她说,出售园艺产品是她们生活的重点和谋生的手段。

    " They had nothing to live for ," she says , and market gardening became a focus and livelihood for them .

  20. 但是,有一个很好的例子可以用来证明,实际上我们并没有生活在多么有趣的时代。

    Yet there is a good case that we do not , in fact , live in very interesting times at all .

  21. 这位我曾以为没有生活质量的人让我明白:只要有生命,就有希望。

    From this person that I thought would have no quality of life , I learned that where there is life , there is hope .

  22. 她没有生活,只是生存而已,在自己的小角落里活着,我不希望伤害她。

    She doesn 't live , she just exists . She lives in her own corner of the world and I do not want to hurt hear .

  23. 这并不是说男人不容易生病,但是我知道他们没有生活在一个如我们所愿的健康包围的永久状态。

    Which isn 't to say that men aren 't susceptible to disease , but I don 't know that they live in a permanent state of health-siege like we do .

  24. 分析结果显示,生活在农村的儿童具有更低的哮喘得病率,并且比那些没有生活在农村的孩子暴露在更多样的微生物和真菌环境里。

    The analysis confirmed that kids living on farms had lower asthma rates and were exposed to a wider range of bacteria and fungi than children who did not live on farms .

  25. 天气一热,我就没劲。也许是因为一年中有大把的时间我并没有生活在炎热的地方,所以身体没有时间来适应它。

    I wilt in the heat . Maybe it 's because I don 't live in very hot weather the majority of the year and my body doesn 't have much time to adjust .

  26. 我们中间的任何一位,难道你没有生活过几个月,如果不是几年,渴望有一个并不模棱两可的世界,渴望一个毫无变化的稳定人类社会?

    Is there any one of us who has not lived through moments , if not years , of longing for a world without ambiguity , and for the stability of something unchangeable in human institutions ?

  27. 我国《继承法》对遗嘱自由也有所限制,主要体现在《继承法》第19条。该条规定:遗嘱应当对缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额。

    In current law of succession of our country , freedom of testament is limited and primarily embodies in article 19 which provides that testaments should leave necessary share of heritage to the heirs who lack source of livelihood and labor capacity .

  28. 她自言自语地说,她一边回忆她在此处度过的那个礼拜日,一切还是那种没有生活的生活,仍是从前那种可以轻松度日的环境。

    Another Sunday , another week , she said to herself , recalling how she had been here on that memorable Sunday ; and still the same life that is no life , and still the same circumstances in which life used to seem so easy once .

  29. 妻子去世后,他便没有了生活目标。

    After his wife died , he had nothing to live for .

  30. 她会一直抱怨她和gary再也没有性生活了。

    And she would complain about how she and Gary never did it any more .