
  • no money;cash
  1. 她认为汤姆没有钱,她的判断是对的。

    She was right about Tom having no money .

  2. 我没有钱。

    I ain 't got no money .

  3. 我们没有钱来更新我们的电脑软件。

    We do not have the resources to update our computer software .

  4. 我没有钱应付那些非必要的花费。

    I have no money for non-essentials .

  5. 他有份好工作,然而他却好像总也没有钱。

    He has a good job , and yet he never seems to have any money .

  6. 我们没有钱。

    We have nae money .

  7. 不过,一切都是相对的,是不是?我小的时候,我们根本没有钱,500块钱对于我们来说就是很大的一笔财富了。

    It 's all relative though , isn 't it ? We never had any money when I was a kid and $ 500 was a fortune to us .

  8. 如果你没有钱,就寸步难行。

    If you don 't have money , you 're powerless .

  9. 它没有钱去补偿所有人。

    It doesn 't have the money to indemnify everybody .

  10. 我没有钱到处旅行。

    I don 't have money to go places

  11. 我的包掉在了警官的脚下。钞票撒了一地。“哈哈哈!”他大笑道。“还说没有钱,嗯?”

    I dropped my bag at the officer 's feet . The bank notes fell out . ' Ha ha ha ! ' he laughed . ' Got no money , uh ? '

  12. 除了这点儿储蓄我再也没有钱了。

    Aside from the little savings I have no other money .

  13. 她到达一个陌生的城市,没有钱和朋友。

    She landed up in a strange city without any money or friends .

  14. 钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。

    Money is not everything , but without money one can go hardly anywhere .

  15. 但他没有钱买画纸。

    But he didn 't have money to buy the paper for painting .

  16. 学校里没有钱上音乐课,所以孩子们自己做音乐。

    There wasn 't any money for music lessons in schools , so kids made their own music .

  17. 他想学法律,但他父母没有钱供他上学。

    He desired to study law , but his parents didn 't have more money to send him to school .

  18. A:不。我在一个贫穷的村庄当过志愿者。那里的孩子没有钱买书。

    A : No. I have been a volunteer in a poor village.The children there don 't have money to buy books .

  19. 汽车没油了,更麻烦的是我身上没有钱!

    The car ran out of petrol , and as a further complication I had no money !

  20. 我在圣诞节不寻欢作乐,我也没有钱让游手好闲的人寻欢作乐。

    I don 't make merry myself at Christmas , and I can 't afford to make idle people merry .

  21. 但是,他很穷,没有钱买吃的喝的,怎么可能去买笔画画呢?

    But he was very poor , he had no money to buy food and drinks , how could he buy a pen to draw pictures ?

  22. “暂停的一代”指到了一定年纪,却因为没有钱而无法像前辈人那样买房、结婚生子的年轻人群体。

    Generation pause refers to young adults who are not able to do things previously1 typical for their age group such as buy a home , start a family and have kids because they are short of money .

  23. 卫国有个无赖,老婆早死了,一直没有钱再娶,只好跑到黄公门上来求婚,黄公果然同意。

    There was a rascal6 in the State of Wei whose wife had died . He had no money to remarry , so he called at Huang Gong 's house to propose marriage . As expected , Huang Gong agreed .

  24. 随着时间的推移,Tom的台式机开始变得越来越慢,但他的部门没有钱进行升级,因此他通过从网络找到的技巧调优电脑。

    Tom 's desktop starts getting slower as the days pass , but his department doesn 't have money for upgrades , so he tunes it using some tips he finds on the Internet .

  25. 如果你没有钱,我愿借给你一些。

    If you have no money I will lend you some .

  26. 我没有钱了,你能帮帮我吗?

    I have no money left , can you assist me ?

  27. 由于没有钱坐公共汽车,她走路去参加面试。

    Unable to afford bus fares , she walked to interviews .

  28. 我身上没有钱,身体也很不好。

    And I am in no condition , financially or health-wise .

  29. 你不觉得他只不过是因为自己没有钱才这么说的吗?

    Don 't you think these words just are sour grapes ?

  30. 由于没有钱,我不得不去上班。

    Due to having no money , I have to work .