
  1. 我看没理由抱怨。

    I can see no grounds for complaint .

  2. 夜校课程一应俱全,没理由不去接受一些培训。

    With all the night school courses available , there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training

  3. 他没理由儿抱怨你。

    He has no grounds for complaining about you .

  4. 但绝没理由说,经济意识是不能通过教育手段产生并得到高度加强。

    But there is no reason why economic awareness cannot be produced and highly developed by education .

  5. 我没理由错过这个在UC里学英语的机会。

    I can see no reason to miss the chance to learn english in UC .

  6. 嗨,如果小Joey都玩完了,那我就没理由再活下去了!

    Joey : Hey , if Little Joey 's dead , then I got no reason to live !

  7. 但同样真实,并更让人惊讶的是,从人格理论的角度来看,也没理由说我是Shelly,Kagan而他不是。

    But equally true , and more surprisingly , from the personality theory point of view , there 's no reason to say that I 'm Shelly Kagan and he 's not .

  8. 既然Duby可以方便地将不明类型或动态类型的表达式看做是需要动态调用的,那么没理由不把Surinx吸收为Duby的特性之一。

    And since Duby could easily treat untyped or dynamic-typed expressions as requiring dynamic invocation , there 's no reason Surinx shouldn 't just be assimilated as a feature of Duby .

  9. 换句话说,没理由因为这个就拉响警报。

    In other words , there was no reason for alarm .

  10. 他完全没理由在这件事上说谎

    He has no reason to lie about any of this !

  11. 或至少承认你没理由。

    Or at least admit that you don 't have one .

  12. 我想没理由不让他上。

    I don 't see any reason he can 't play .

  13. 他没理由让你们中任何一个活下去。

    He has no reason to let any of you live .

  14. 你没理由跟我说实话的。

    You have no reason to teii me the truth .

  15. 我没理由再在这里待下去了。

    I have no reason to stay here any longer .

  16. 我没理由拒绝你的要求。

    I can see no reason to deny your request .

  17. 他们没理由让那种事发生。

    There 's no excuse for what they let happen down there .

  18. 我知道你没理由相信我。

    I know you 've no reason to trust me .

  19. 咲夜:我没理由回答你。

    Sakuya : I have no reason to answer you .

  20. 那也没理由让你的邮件一直待在你的收件箱里。

    Thats no excuse to leave the email sitting in your inbox .

  21. 他们没理由生我的气。

    They have no right to be mad at me .

  22. 你没理由今晚不来了。

    No reason for you not to come over tonight .

  23. 他们不会没理由的跑到这里来。

    They wouldn 't have run here without a reason .

  24. 他没理由撒谎几乎不可能搞错

    He had no reason to lie , could hardly have been mistaken

  25. 没理由要留着它

    It doesn 't make any sense to keep it .

  26. 没理由组成大陪审团。

    There 's no reason to involve a grand jury .

  27. 没理由放弃这次机会。

    There is no reason to give this chance up .

  28. 饭菜好极了,我没理由抱怨。偏爱;

    The food was excellent - I had no cause for complaint .

  29. 没理由不信她说的话。

    There is no reason to discredit what she says .

  30. 我没理由啊没动机也没武器

    I had no reason to . No motive . No weapon .