
  • 网络Cry
  1. 如今,既然我已了解了生死循环的道理,那么我当然就不哭了。

    Now that I know the truth on the succession of birth and death , I don 't cry .

  2. 好啦,好啦,不哭了,你哥哥一回来我就训他。

    Well , well , don 't cry , I 'll speak to your elder brother the minute he comes back .

  3. 他吻了吻她,她就不哭了。

    He kissed away her tears .

  4. 她的手像有魔法似的,这个婴儿由她抱着就不哭了。

    She has a magic touch with the baby ; he never cries when she is holding him .

  5. 她搂着孩子,渐渐地孩子不哭了。

    She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying .

  6. 直到他妈妈来,他才不哭了。

    He didn 't stop crying until his mom came .

  7. 这婴儿一看到他的母亲就不哭了。

    The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother .

  8. (使)开始;引起她已经不哭了,但是他的大声喊叫使她又哭了起来。

    She had stopped crying but his shouting set her off again .

  9. 你轻轻颠几下,婴儿就不哭了。

    The baby will stop crying if you joggle her about a bit .

  10. 我们一给这个小宝宝她的奶嘴,她就马上不哭了。

    Once we gave the baby her pacifier , she stopped crying immediately .

  11. 她不哭了,但整天再也没讲一句话。

    She stopped weeping but all day she would not speak another word .

  12. 听见她丈夫进了来,她就不哭了。

    Hearing her husband come in she stopped crying .

  13. 不要哭了,不哭了,我不想再掉眼泪。

    Don 't cry , won 't cry , I won 't cry .

  14. 还好,宝宝至少不哭了。

    Well , at least the baby 's quiet .

  15. 哦我知道我知道不哭了…

    I know , I know , I know ...

  16. 没有人发现乔已经不哭了吗?

    Did anyone else notice that Joe stopped crying ?

  17. 我们答应给他买个玩具,这才哄得他不哭了。

    We sweetened him with the promise of a toy and he stopped crying .

  18. 她终于不哭了,并用手绢擦干了眼泪。

    She left off sobbing at last , and dried her eyes with her handkerchief .

  19. 奇怪的是,琼恩心想,他竟然停下来不哭了。

    And strangely , Jon thought , he did not weep , not even once .

  20. 后来我不哭了。我不再伤心了,而开始感到愤怒了。

    Then I stopped crying . I stopped feeling sad and began to feel angry .

  21. 过了一会儿,小猪不哭了,快乐地跟我玩儿起了别的游戏。

    After a while , she stopped crying and played a game with me happily .

  22. 起作用了,他不哭了。

    It worked . He stopped crying .

  23. 花了一个小时才哄他不哭了。他们又累又气,把他带回家。

    It took an hour to stop him crying and then , very tired and cross , they took him home .

  24. 乖,不哭了,我不是来了吗,别怕,有我在,没人能伤害你的。

    Sleep , daddy , I have not come to the right , do not worry , I have no one can hurt you .

  25. 老太婆愈说愈忿激,不哭了,摸到那板桌边擦一根火柴,点着了煤油灯。

    She had stopped crying now , and the more she spoke the more excited she became . She groped on the table for a match and lit an oil lamp .

  26. 小女孩唱完后,向女士解释说:“妈妈离去前经常给我唱这首歌,她让我答应她,我一哭就唱这支歌,这样我就不哭了。”

    After the child stopped singing she explained to the lady , " My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away , and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop . "

  27. 一提到芒雅的名字她就禁不住哭了起来。

    She dissolved into tears at the mention of Munya 's name .

  28. 当我们不得不离开时,他情绪异常激动,忍不住哭了起来。

    He got very emotional when we had to leave , and started to cry .

  29. FCKH8.com的创始人LukeMontgomery对雅虎表示,这政治条是Nate通过电邮发给他们的,Montgomery承认:“我们有很多材料,以至于一开始我都没有注意到这个。”但当他看到这张纸条时,他忍不住哭了。

    FCKH8.com founder Luke Montgomery told Yahoo that the letter was emailed to them by Nate . Montgomery admitted : ' We get a lot of crazy stuff , so I almost didn 't look at it . ' When he did he burst into tears .

  30. 你很快就不必哭了。

    You 're not gonna have to cry much longer .