
bù mián zhī yè
  • sleepless night;white night;wakeful night
不眠之夜[bù mián zhī yè]
  1. 每个人偶尔都有一个不眠之夜。

    Everyone has a sleepless night once in a while .

  2. 她在度过欢乐的一天之后,却又熬过一个不眠之夜。

    After a happy day , she had a sleepless night .

  3. 她度过了许多不眠之夜,为他担心。

    She had spent many wakeful nights worrying about him .

  4. 经过两个不眠之夜,她真的累坏了。

    She was really worn out after two sleepless nights .

  5. 又是一个不眠之夜,妻子听到有什么声音,便立即问道:“是你吗,亲爱的?”

    On one sleepless2 night , she heard a voice and immediately inquired , " Is that you , dear ? "

  6. 病童的母亲忧心忡忡度过了许多不眠之夜。

    The mother of the sick child passed many anxious nights .

  7. 她精力了数周不眠之夜,看上去脸色灰白,形容憔悴。

    Drawn she looked pale and drawnafter weeks of sleepless nights .

  8. 她在这间旧房子里度过了一个不眠之夜。

    She passed a sleepless night in the old house .

  9. 她经过一个不眠之夜后,脸色看起来很苍白。

    She looked pale with fatigue after a sleepless night .

  10. 他考虑一项技术革新,度过好几个不眠之夜。

    He spent many a sleepless night pondering over a technical innovation .

  11. 她因担心他而度过了一个不眠之夜。

    She had spent a restless night worrying about him .

  12. 我感觉很难受,昨晚我度过了一个不眠之夜。

    I feel terrible-i had a rough night last night .

  13. 不眠之夜是我在法律学校的时候的标准。

    Sleepless nights were the standard when I was in law school .

  14. 两个不眠之夜,我终于了。

    After two sleepless nights , I 'm finally through with it .

  15. 他很疲劳不眠之夜后,他脸色苍白。

    He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night .

  16. 我已度过了许多不眠之夜,为此事担心。

    I 've spent many sleepless nights worrying about it .

  17. 你会有许多不眠之夜和应激性溃疡的。

    You deserve many sleepless nights and a stress ulcer .

  18. 无论老少,在剧烈的忧伤之后,接着就有一个不眠之夜。

    With old and young great sorrow is followed by a sleepless night .

  19. 经过几个不眠之夜的思考,他决定去当一位蓝领工人。

    After several sleepless nights , he decided to take a factory job .

  20. 我爱在雪花飘飞的不眠之夜。

    I love to remember those dear to me .

  21. 终于,几个不眠之夜后,油井终于于昨夜出油了。

    The well finally came in last night .

  22. 再也没有由于你而招致的不眠之夜。

    No more sleepless night because of you .

  23. 和我一起度过很多个不眠之夜。

    And I spend many sleepless nights .

  24. 它赞助我在女儿离开我进入大学之时度过了好几个不眠之夜。

    It has helped me through several sleepless nights since she left home for college .

  25. 我们在一起度过了一个不眠之夜。

    We together spent a restless night .

  26. 数个不眠之夜使他憔悴。

    Several sleepless nights made him wilt .

  27. 她度过了一个不眠之夜。

    She spent a sleepless night .

  28. 对于这个年轻人来说生活的忧虑在不眠之夜并不显得很大。

    The cares of life did not loom large in night watches for this young man .

  29. 现在,我开始盼望太阳落山后的另一个不眠之夜了。

    I now look forward to the setting of the sun and the sleepless night ahead .

  30. 经过一个不眠之夜之后,他决定直接进入一天的会议日程。

    After a sleepless night , he decided to go straight into a day of meetings .