
  • 网络Beautiful world;It's a Wonderful World;WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD;Dr.G;N-age
  1. 最后,在运动达到最佳状态时,音乐的节奏是约每分钟135拍,其中包括铁斯托(Tiesto)和马克•奈特(MarkKnight)与迪诺(Dino)合作的《美丽世界》(BeautifulWorld)。

    Finally , the workout peaks with music at about 135 beats per minute , including ' Beautiful World ' by Tiesto & Mark Knight featuring Dino .

  2. 这美丽世界有太多的爱。

    So much love in this beautiful world .

  3. 你们一定是来自一个美丽世界的礼物?

    Should you be gifts from a fair world ?

  4. 把美丽世界组织还给她也不行吗

    Even if we give her worldwell back ?

  5. 排名第二位的是《美丽世界》的演唱者路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,是露西尔·鲍尔名列第三。

    What a Wonderful World singer Armstrong came second , with Ball in third place .

  6. 透过中、外孩子们的彩笔,体会多元丰富的美丽世界。

    Through children 's colourful brush strokes we can experience their rich and beautiful world .

  7. 你已经破坏,这美丽世界,

    You have shattered The beautiful world

  8. 美丽世界的孤儿

    Orphans of a Beautiful World

  9. 有了你们继续的支持,他会激励并且带领人们行动起来,铺设通往和平的美丽世界的道路。

    With your continued support he will galvanize people into action , and set the path towards a peaceful world .

  10. 处,则持续以创新的高科技化学品供应电子与光电产业,共同创造出更缤纷灿烂的美丽世界。

    A , contributes to the brilliant and beautiful world through the application of high-tech chemical products in the electronics and optoelectronics industries .

  11. 游离于美丽世界的边缘人&论《美丽曲线》中尼克的身份焦虑和认同危机

    A Wanderer beside the " Beauty World " & Analysis on Nick 's Identity Anxiety and Identity Crisis in The Line of Beauty

  12. 我愿意行走在这座城堡里去寻找动人的童话,让更多人看到小小的针孔里所透入出来的美丽世界。

    I am willing to walk along the castle to look for engaging fairy tales , and let more and more people see the beautiful world through small pinhole .

  13. 每天,在我们的美丽世界里有许多天赐美景,那就是我们每个人都必须记住我们被给予的这个伟大礼物:生活。

    Every day , in our beautiful world , there are so many tokens of creation 's magnificence that everyone must remember which great gift we 've been given : Life .

  14. 他们的双脚已经蠢蠢欲动,准备打好背包,开启下一段旅程,继续探索这个美丽的世界。

    Their feet are getting antsy and ready to move on , to pack their backpacks and explore more of this beautiful world .

  15. 但是,我坚信,只要心往一处想、劲往一处使,同舟共济、守望相助,人类必将能够应对好全球气候环境挑战,把一个清洁美丽的世界留给子孙后代。

    Yet I am confident that as long as we unite in our purposes and efforts and work together with solidarity assistance , we will rise above the global climate and environment challenges and leave a clean and beautiful world to future generations .

  16. 1932年,奥尔德斯•赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)便在小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中发出了警告。

    Aldous Huxley sounded a warning in his 1932 novel Brave New World .

  17. 欢迎来到MBA入学申请的美丽新世界。

    Welcome to the brave new world of MBA Admissions .

  18. 在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。

    In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .

  19. Iyer建议我们:多花点时间,不要怕麻烦,去探索一下那些美丽新世界吧!

    Take the time and trouble , he advises , to seek out the new places .

  20. 我愉快的使用的眼睛读取这美丽的世界。

    I delighted my eyes with the beauty of this world .

  21. 我们走出了我们的屋子来到了这个美丽的世界

    We walk out of our house into this beautiful world !

  22. 即使还有惋惜,这仍然是一个美丽的世界。

    With all its shame , it is still a beautiful world .

  23. 只有在和谐的基地上才能建盖起美丽的世界。

    Only do we have harmonious base we can build beautiful palace .

  24. 读童话,我走入一个纯净美丽的世界。

    Reading fairy tales , I enter a world of pure beauty .

  25. 因为我还是想要看一下这个美丽的世界。

    Because I still want to see this beautiful world .

  26. 也不知道为什么存在如此美丽的世界。

    He does not know how this beautiful word exits as is .

  27. ‘那是你,还是我找到的一个美丽新世界’

    " Was that you or did I find a beautiful new world "

  28. 那可是个“美丽新世界”,老大。

    It 's a brave new world , boss .

  29. 就当一切都已失去,向着那美丽新世界,献出灵魂与自我吧!

    All is lost sold your souls , to this brave new world .

  30. 我们只是情不自禁流连往返于那个美丽的世界中。

    We just get stuck in to the beauty and sort of explodes .