
  1. 布朗和他的同事们发现,受访者是否青睐那些选择年金计划的虚构退休者,完全取决于问题怎么提问。

    Brown and his colleagues found that whether their respondents favoured those with the annuities depended entirely on how the question was presented .

  2. 甚至风景也会凝固成纯净的虚构,旅游者的世界成为了人工的艺术。

    Even the landscape is solidified into pure fiction ; art in the artificial world of the traveler .

  3. 通过给虚构的求职者设计简历裴多拉探索了他感兴趣的领域,他称之为“劳动力市场不平等”。

    Pedulla explored his interest in what he calls " labor market inequality " by developing resumes for imaginary job applicants .

  4. 公共人物的生活好像成了虚构故事的哺育者。

    Public life has bee a metaphysical breeder of fictions .