
  1. 继2005年专辑《华丽的冒险》和2009年的《太阳》之后,人们想当然认为最终篇——《时间的歌》将为三部曲画上圆满的句点。

    After 2005 " s Peripeteia and 2009 " s Immortal , you would assume that the last installment , Songs of Transience , is a grand finale .

  2. 但是如果你仔细读过《时间的歌》中那些的歌词,你会发现她的视角已经从人性和哲学拓展到了生命中最美好的瞬间,尽管她还是采用了一贯自言自语的调子。

    But if you carefully read into her words on Songs of Transience , you 'll see that her vision has expanded - from humanity and philosophy to life 's best moments - although in the same talking-to-herself tone .