
  1. 考虑光开关稳定响应时间的光分组组装性能分析

    Performance Analysis for Optical Packet Assembly Strategy Considering Switching Time

  2. 光照治疗(适当强度、时间的光照可以改变睡眠-觉醒节律)。

    Illumination therapy ( suitable intensity , time illumination may change sleep-awakening rhythm ) .

  3. 单个活细胞膜驰豫时间的动态光散射测量

    Dynamic Light Scattering Measurement of Single Living Cell Membrane Relaxation Time

  4. 早上补光时处理叶片的净光合速率高于晚上相对时间的净光合速率值,早上的光合启动时间大于晚上。

    Pn . in the morning was higher than the same time at the night .

  5. 然后把这种数值解方法分别运用到所有频率的单色波即可就出其对应的光场,而且对所有的这些数值解作逆付里叶变换就可以将其转换为时间领域的光场。

    Such numerical solution is iterated for all the waves with different frequencies , and all the numerical solutions are transformed into the light fields in the time domain by inverse Fourier transform .

  6. DRS结果表明,随着刻蚀时间的延长,光催化剂等离子体共振吸收也随之增强。

    The DRS result showed that the plasmon resonance absorption increased with the etching time prolonged .

  7. 红曲酒在长时间的存放和光照条件下,溶液中monacolink含量及酸型monacolink所占比例几乎无变化,稳定性较好。

    With a long-time of storage and illumination , the concentration of Monacolin K and the ratio of acid form Monacolin K were almost unchanged , and the stability was better .

  8. 半导体可饱和吸收镜(SESAM)起到了启动这种过程并且稳定光孤子脉冲的作用,但其弛豫时间的长短对光孤子脉冲的宽度并无多大影响。

    Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror ( SESAM ) only stirs up this process and stabilize the soliton , but its longer relexation time will take no action to the width of a soliton pulse .

  9. 低温热处理时间对样品的光催化放氢活性影响不大。

    The treatment time at low temperature has little effect on hydrogen production .

  10. 最后建议对于道路照明计算应采用由反应时间法获得的光视效能最大值计算式。

    At last , it was proposed that equation derived from reaction time should be used in road lighting calculation .

  11. 方法通过测定不同时间粒子的散射光强度来评价自乳化速度,光学显微镜下观察乳化后形成乳剂粒径的大小及分布情况;

    Methods The self-emulsifying rate was evaluated by determining the intensity of scattered light at different time and the particle size of resultant emulsions after self-emulsifying were observed by optical microscope .

  12. 随着胁迫时间的延长,净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度均呈下降趋势,胞间CO2浓度随水分胁迫的加剧而上升。

    As the stress time extension , the net photosynthetic rate , transpiration rate and stomatal conductance were decreased , intercellular CO2 concentration increased as the rise of water stress .

  13. 在模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsisthaliana)中,至少存在4条调控开花时间的途径,包括光周期途径、春化作用途径、自主开花途径和赤霉素途径。

    Molecular genetic studies on Arabidopsis thaliana revealed four main flowering controlling pathways : photoperiod , vernalization , autonomous , and gibberellin .

  14. 应用格林函数方法处理了S-W效应中光生载流子随时间的变化,得出光生载流子的衰退速率和深能级有效态密度的平方成正比。

    The equation of degeneration of photogenerated eletrons in S-W Effect has been get by method of filed theory . The degeneration constant is proportional to the square of effective density of states in deep level .

  15. 本文将实验动物暴露于120dB〔A〕噪声2h,治疗组给予丹参注射液15日,在声创伤后不同时间分别制取耳蜗的光镜和电镜标本。

    The experiment animals were exposed to intense noise ( 120dB ) for 2 hours . Treatment groups were given red sage injection for 15 days . The cochleas were processed for both electron microscopy and light microscopy in different time after acoustic trauma .

  16. 样品的焙烧温度和时间也对样品的光催化活性有影响。

    The calcining temperature and time also affected the sample photocatalytic property .

  17. 开关时间的长短是磁光开关的一个重要性能参数。

    The length of switching time is an important parameter in magneto-optic switch .

  18. 800和900℃烧结的材料具有较高的光催化活性,随烧结温度的升高和恒温时间的延长材料的光催化活性逐渐下降。

    Relatively high photocatalytic activity was obtained for the materials sintered at 800 and 900 ℃ .

  19. 文中详细分析了组织光学特性参数与组织表面时间分辨的漫反射光分布之间的关系。

    The relation between the optical parameters of tissue and the time resolved reflectance on tissue surface is discussed .

  20. 实验结果如下:1、油松在上午时间段保持较高的光合速率。

    The experimental results are as follows : 1 、 In the morning time period Pine maintain a high photosynthetic rate .

  21. 研究结果表明:随着超声时间的增加,吸光率增大,分散性能变好;

    The results indicated that with the increase of ultrasonic time absorbency would become larger , and then the dispersion stability become well .

  22. 方法观察87例移植供肾缺血时间、活检组织的光镜表现结合移植后发生急、慢性排斥反应的情况进行分析。

    Methods The cold ischemia time and the pathological findings by biopsies of the donor grafts in 87 cases were analyzed in conjunction with the occurrence of acute or chronic graft rejection after transplantation .

  23. 摄影在现代艺术中是一种非常重要的媒介,它不仅仅是光的艺术,更是时间的艺术,是光和时间共同作用的结果。

    Photography is a very important medium in modern art ; it is not only about the art of light , but also the art of time . Photography is art of light and time .

  24. 结果视网膜只见视细胞出现光损伤和细胞凋亡,随着光照时间的延长,视网膜光损伤逐渐加重,视细胞凋亡逐渐增多。

    Results Photic injury and optic cell apoptosis was found in Retina . The Photic injury in retina became worse and worse and optic cell apoptosis became more and more with the light exposure time increasing .

  25. 设计了通过液晶光阀自动调整全息照相物光和参考光辐照比至最佳状态,同时能实现曝光时间自动控制的控光仪。

    An exposure control instrument for holograph is designed , which can automatically adjust the object / reference light intensity ratio and the time of exposure in holograph to the best value by liquid crystal light valve ( LCLV ) .

  26. 结果在实验A组中,随着光照时间的增加,视网膜光损伤逐渐加重,视细胞凋亡逐渐增多,外核层面积逐渐减少。

    Results In group A , the photic injury in retina becomes worse and worse and optic cell apoptosis was more and more with the light exposure time increasing , then the OA ( out nuclear layer area ) became fewer and fewer .