
  • 网络time-of-flight
  1. 使用时间飞行二次离子质谱仪(TOF-SIMS)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和接触角测量仪对FTE自组装膜进行了表征。

    A time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer ( TOF-SIMS ), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ), an atomic force microscopy ( AFM ), and contact angle measurements were used to characterize the monolayer .

  2. 应用时间飞行二次离子质谱仪(TOF-SIMS)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和接触角测量仪对FTE自组装膜进行表征。通过Olympus磁头磁盘界面可靠性测试系统对FTE自组装膜的摩擦学性能进行研究。

    The FTE SAMs was characterized by the time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer ( TOF-SIMS ), atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) and contact angle measurement , and the tribology properties of the FTE SAMs were measured by the Olympus head / disk interface reliability measurement system .

  3. CAMAC系统在时间飞行质谱测量中的应用

    Application of the CAMAC system in TOF-MS measurement

  4. 并给出了在该装置上测定的CS2激光共振增强多光子电离的时间飞行质谱信号。

    The preliminary experiment result of time of flight mass spectrum of CS_2 produced by laser resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization was obtained .

  5. 方法采用了高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)、时间飞行质谱(TOF-MS)和电喷雾质谱法(ESI-MS)。

    Methods High performance capillary electrophoresis ( HPCE ), matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry ( MALIDI TOF-MS ) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ( ESI-MS ) were employed .

  6. 基质辅助激光解吸与离子化时间飞行质谱在高分子研究中的应用

    Applications of Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization Time-of-flight in Polymer Studies

  7. 战胜在咆哮的大海上长时间飞行时遇到的各种突发事件

    to battle the elements flying long distances over raging seas .

  8. 波特喜欢在高空滑翔,他创造了几项长时间飞行的记录。

    Potter had set records for long flights and preferred loft .

  9. 在长时间飞行时,最重要的是要睡好觉。

    The key to long-haul flights is sleep .

  10. 专门的燃料电池是长时间飞行的关键。

    Special fuel cells key to months-long flight .

  11. 对此提出一改进梯度方法,并计算了某型战斗机从亚音速三维转弯升高到超音速的最短时间飞行轨迹。

    This article presents a modifying gradient method , and the fastest 3-D turning trajectory from subsonic to supersonic is calculated .

  12. 如以恒速作长时间飞行,要保持这样的力会使驾驶员非常疲劳。

    When flying for long periods at a constant speed , it is very fatiguing for the pilot to maintain such a force .

  13. 与一些人不同,我喜欢长时间飞行,因为这时你除了睡觉、读书和看电影没别的事情可做。

    Unlike some , I actually love flying long-haul because there 's nothing you can do except sleep , read and watch movies .

  14. 据专家说,目前,中国飞机的最大航程不足,无法在中国领土主张的外部界限长时间飞行。

    Currently , its jets don 't have sufficient range to operate for extended periods to the outer limits of China 's territorial claims , experts say .

  15. 想想长时间飞行的轻型飞机,它们的电子系统持续得到先进技术的补充,比如超级电容器、燃料电池系统以及太阳能供电。

    Think about light-weight drones that travel constantly , their electric systems being continually replenished by advanced technologies like super capacitors , fuel cell systems and solar power .

  16. 用一种结合激光解离和时间飞行质谱仪的方法去研究金属离子与有机分子的气相反应。

    A method of combining laser ablation and time of flight mass spectrometer is used to study the reaction of metal ions with organic molecules in the gas phase .

  17. 本文报道了在280~286.5nm区域内,通过共振增强多光子电离-时间飞行质谱和质量选择光电离激发谱对二甲基硫分子的光电离和光解离通道进行了研究。

    Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization ( REMPI ) dissociation channels of dimethyl sulfide were studied using REMPI-TOF-MS and mass-selected excitation spectra in the range of 280 ~ 286.5 ? nm .

  18. 目的探讨跨时区长时间飞行中飞行疲劳与年龄因素的关系,为年大飞行人员延长飞行年限提供试验依据。

    Objective To explore the relations between age and flight fatigue level during and after across time zone flight , so as to provide experimental evidence for elongation of airline aircrew .

  19. 在长时间飞行时,最重要的是要睡好觉。如果我要坐16个小时的飞机去纽约,我就会努力在飞机上尽可能多地睡觉。

    The key to long-haul flights is sleep . If I 'm on a 16-hour flight to New York , I 'll try and sleep as much as I can on the flight .

  20. 美国宇航局空间生命与自然科学部主任马歇尔波特菲尔德说,宇航员们深刻认识自己的能力来掌握长时间飞行为今天的太空生活奠定了基础。

    The astronauts ' insights into their own ability to handle long-duration flight laid the groundwork for life in space today , says Marshall Porterfield , director of NASA 's Space Life and Physical Sciences Division .

  21. 结论长时间航天飞行可引起番茄遗传物质DNA水平上的变异。

    Conclusion Long-duration spaceflight can cause variation of hereditary substance DNA of tomato .

  22. 经过长时间的飞行,我觉得很疲倦。

    Owing to jet lag , I left so tired .

  23. 给出你的出发时间、飞行时长和逗留时间。

    Give the date of your departure and say how long you will be staying .

  24. 要记住:大多数人经过了长时间的飞行后心情都不会太好。

    Remember that most people are not in the best mood after they have gotten off a long flight .

  25. 长时间的飞行总是很艰难,因为它浪费了整整一天时间并且没有什么活动的空间。

    Long flights are tough because it wastes a full day and I don 't move around that much .

  26. 长时间的飞行,不单单让我身体劳累,而且精神疲劳。

    After a long redundant flight , I not only felt physically tired , but my brain was fried .

  27. 已被认知的原因包括手术、制动,后者包括长时间的飞行。

    Among the recognized causes are surgery and immobility , including that which can occur during extended air travel .

  28. 除了足够富有外,潜在的月球旅行者还要花一定的时间接受飞行任务训练,而且必须达到一定的健康要求。

    Aside from wealth , potential moon travelers will need time to train for the mission and must meet health requirements .

  29. 之后,因为飞行时间和飞行距离有限,美国军队取消了对这个项目后续研究的投资。

    The army later stopped paying for more research into the project because the flight time and distance were not convincing enough .

  30. 相关危险因素有:年龄,飞行时间,飞行机种,腰伤史和心理因素。

    The associated risk factors of back pain consisted of age , flying hours , flying model , history of back injury , and abnormal psychological behavious .