
  1. 第四章简要概述虚谷绘画的历史贡献及对后世的影响。

    Chapter IV a brief overview of the history of painting Xu Gu contribution and impact on future generations .

  2. 虚谷的山水画不仅空白留的恰到好处,而且具有一定的形式审美趣味。

    Xu Gu remaining gaps in the landscape is not only just right , but also has a certain aesthetic form .

  3. 世人对虚谷的研究主要集中在他的花鸟画作品中,而对他的山水画进行研究的却非常少。

    People always focus on researches on his bird-and-flower paintings , while his landscape painting have relatively got a smaller attention .

  4. 只不过虚谷精通儒道文化,以禅入画,画面冷隽令人气静,意境高远,不易模仿。

    But Xu Gu proficient Confucian culture in order to Zen art , but the screen Cold-Jun order popular quiet , mood lofty and difficult to imitate .

  5. 本文通过对虚谷绘画艺术作品的分析和探究,详细地阐述了虚谷形成这一独特的艺术个性和绘画风格的原因,从而进一步揭示了虚谷超凡的艺术魅力。

    This article makes a minute exposition of the reason that Xu Gu formed such unique artistic character and painting style and thus profoundly revealed his uncommon artistic charm .

  6. 虚谷独特的艺术格调可谓独辟蹊径、自成一家,在中国近代美术史上尤其花鸟画史上占有重要地位。

    His unique artistic style is unique , strike out a new line for oneself , in China modern art history especially flower and bird painting occupies an important position .

  7. 虚谷全画以淡墨画出,轻云出没于物象的周围,雾气飘渺,山石树木只留下了一小部分,就如同一个梦中的世界。

    Xu Gu full portrait is done with light ink to draw , Qingyun haunt in physical image around the misty mist , trees , rocks , leaving only a small portion , just like a dream world .

  8. 古人画山水大多画大山大水,或虽取小景但绘画的尺寸比较大,而虚谷独爱小山小景,画幅也很小。

    Most of ancient painting landscapes painting great mountains and water , or , having taken a small scene , but relatively large size of painting , while the small hill Xu Gu alone love scene , a very small frame .