
  • 网络La cage aux folles
  1. 1978年的电影《虚凤假凰》的导演埃德沃德·莫利纳罗去世。

    The director of the 1978 film , La Cage aux Folles , has died .

  2. 导演德埃沃德·莫利纳罗在拍摄《虚凤假凰》以前,拍摄了数十部严肃题材的电影以及纪录片。

    Director Edouard Molinaro had made dozens of serious movies and documentaries before La Cage aux Folles .

  3. 当时,《虚凤假凰》属于先驱性的电影,以同情的角度来看待同性情侣。

    La Cage aux Folles was a pioneering film at the time , a sympathetic look at gay male couple .

  4. 当他第一次看到《虚凤假凰》的最终剪辑时,他认为这部电影太糟糕了,以致于会结束他的电影事业。但是相反,电影《虚凤假凰》却成为当时美国票房最高的电影。

    When he saw the final cut for the first time , he thought it was so terrible that would finish his career . Instead , La Cage aux Folles would become highest grossing foreign film at the time in the United States .