
xū míng
  • undeserved reputation;bubble reputation;inflated reputation
虚名 [xū míng]
  • [undeserved reputation;inflated reputation] 空虚的名称,不符实际的声誉

  • 不求虚名

虚名[xū míng]
  1. 本论文主要针对如何改变民办医学院校中实验教学之实验图有虚名的问题。

    This thesis mainly focused on how to better laboratory experiment teaching with undeserved reputation in private medical schools .

  2. 但是如果是为了公共利益,则刑法对虚名的保护应予以减损。

    But for the sake of public interest , the criminal law shall reduce its protection of undeserved reputation .

  3. 威尔逊打算东山再起,并让自己远离虚名浮誉。

    Wilson 's intention is to rebuild his career and put distance between himself and his reputation .

  4. 论文的另一名作者、纽约大学金融学教授、AQR主要负责人之一拉斯&12539;佩德森(LassePedersen)强调,巴菲特并非浪得虚名。

    Lasse Pedersen , another of the study 's authors , a finance professor at New York University and a principal at AQR , stressed that Mr. Buffett still deserves plenty of credit .

  5. 佛罗里达被称为阳光之州并不是浪得虚名。

    Now Florida isn 't called the sunshine State for nothing .

  6. 你,琼尼,你害怕自己是图有虚名。

    You , johnny , are afraid you 're a fake .

  7. 放弃虚名之争,可以换来权力。

    Letting go of the outright struggle for dominance can confer power .

  8. 下面哪个成语的意思是确实很好,不是空有虚名呢?

    Which of the following idioms means to have a well-deserved reputation ?

  9. 光有虚名而没有幸福,至多也只能算作一种遗憾。

    Fame without happiness is but a sorry at best .

  10. 这所有的虚名,我可以接受或者放弃。

    The whole fame thing , I could take it or leave it .

  11. 愿对我的功绩不要报以虚名

    may no other fame my deeds repay !

  12. 夸耀其高位与显赫的虚名,

    Of public honor and proud titles boast ,

  13. 不要贪图虚名、彼此惹气、互相嫉妒。

    Let us not become conceited , provoking one another , envying one another .

  14. 拥有传奇般名字的她,并不是浪得虚名的。

    Her legendary name is well earned .

  15. 自从1992年海平面下降以来,它徒有岛的虚名。

    It has been an island in name only since the sea level dropped in1992 .

  16. 身为一名优秀的情报员,我并非浪得虚名!

    As an excellent intelligence agent , I 'm not unworthy of the name or the title !

  17. 虚名好像是画的一块饼,只能看,不能解决肚子饥饿的问题啊!

    A false reputation is just like a picture of a cake ; it can 't ease hunger . '

  18. 他发现自己渴望已久的那份差事只是徒具虚名,让他空欢喜一场。

    He finds that the job he has wanted for a long time is only the apple of Sodom .

  19. 每个人都喜欢觉得自己是特别的,即便是那些假装不在乎这些虚名的人也不例外。

    Everyone , even people who pretend to be above such vanities , likes to think they are special .

  20. 做人要把眼光放大,把目标放远,万不可为了虚名浮利斤斤计较。

    Man must look amplification , aim far , must not be to name floating Lee square accounts in every detail .

  21. 他忙得都没有时间去想一想,多少纪念碑早已崩塌无存,多少虚名亦长埋黄土!

    So busy is he that he has not time to consider how many monuments crumble , how often names are forgotten !

  22. 曹睿对他的大臣说:“选择人才,不能光找有虚名的人。虚名好像是在地上画的一块饼,只能看,不能解决肚子饥饿的问题啊!”

    He said to his ministers : ' When choosing a talented person , always beware of one with a false reputation .

  23. 虎鲨的不挑食绝非浪得虚名,它们会吃黄貂鱼、海豹、海鸟甚至是旧轮胎。

    A tiger shark 's stomach contents has revealed stingrays , seals , birds and even old tires - talk about an unrefined palate !

  24. 我在一家报纸上看到了一则广告,广告上说是‘一座乡村别墅’,我就被那个虚名迷住了。

    I read the advertisement in one of the papers , and was tempted by the false title , ' a country house . '

  25. 相反地,电脑会来答话。要敢说真话,反对说假话,不务虚名,多做实事。

    Instead , a computer will answer . Dare to speak the truth and oppose falsehood , not seek undeserved credit but perform real services .

  26. 因写作思想他受到惩罚,忍饥挨饿只为了声名。盲目地劳作,作茧自缚,热血流入雪地凝结,总是为了一个虚名。

    Punished for his written thoughts starving for his fame working blindly , building blocks number for a name , his blood flows frozen to the snow .

  27. 我上次采访他时,他说自己对财富并无兴趣,尽管他坦承很享受日本首富的虚名。

    In a previous interview , Yanai has said he is not interested in money , though he confesses to liking the idea of being Japan 's richest man .

  28. 潜在竞购者很快发现美标公司的卫浴及厨具业务部门在美国市场已经陷入严重亏损,大势已去,只剩下一个虚名,但是在亚洲和欧洲两大市场却增长迅速。

    Prospective bidders quickly learned that the kitchen and bath unit was " American " in name only , losing a bundle stateside while growing rapidly in Asia and Europe .

  29. 本属全民的旅游资源空有虚名,在市场经济的席卷下,它成为大多民众可望而不可及的诱惑。

    All of this is an undeserved reputation had plenty of tourism resources in the market economy swept through , it has become beyond the reach of most people 's temptation .

  30. 冰岛素有“冰与火之岛”的名号。1783年,一条形成了130个火山口的断裂带证明这绝非浪得虚名。

    Iceland is known for being the land of ice and fire , and this was never made clearer than in 1783 when a fissure containing some 130 craters opened up ;