
huí jué
  • Rejection;refuse;decline;repudiate
回绝 [huí jué]
  • [refuse;decline] 比较明确地、果断地拒绝

  • 一口回绝

回绝[huí jué]
  1. 她开出的条件好得让我们难以回绝。

    She had made us an offer too good to refuse .

  2. (非常感谢您送给我的这份礼物,但我不得不回绝您的好意。)

    I 'm extremely grateful for this gift but I 'm afraid I 'll have to refuse .

  3. 他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。

    He asked her to marry him but she turned him down .

  4. 伊夫一口回绝了马克的邀请。

    Eve spurned Mark 's invitation .

  5. 17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。

    Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential .

  6. 到目前为止工党政府回绝了所有的请愿求情。

    The Labour government has to date resisted all supplications .

  7. 她被告知要回绝掉那些握手软弱无力的申请者。

    She was told to reject applicants with limp handshakes

  8. 对于她的请求他在信中给予了坚决的回绝。

    His letter in response to her request had contained a firm refusal .

  9. 最终,我回绝了拉乌尔提出的去棕榈海滩旅行的诱人邀请。

    In the end , I turned down Raoul 's tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip

  10. 这个请求被有礼貌地回绝了。

    The request was gracefully refused .

  11. 老板威胁要解雇我,回绝了我加薪的请求。

    My employer countered my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me .

  12. 她婉言回绝了他的邀请。

    She declined his invitation politely .

  13. 日本有些餐厅同样回绝米其林,

    Some restaurants in Japan also turned it down

  14. 2.letterofrejection回绝函寄出申请的一个月后,他收到一封回绝函。

    About one month after he sent the application , he got a letter of rejection .

  15. 汤姆艾尔巴尼斯(tomalbanese)担任首席执行官的力拓回绝了上述接洽。

    Rio , led by chief executive Tom Albanese , rejected the approach .

  16. 如果工作流ID别名已经分配给了策略集合,请求可能会得到本地缓存的回绝。

    If the work stream ID alias is already allocated to a policy set , the request might achieve a local cache hit .

  17. 两人初步接触亚马逊邀请其为项目捐助Kindle的请求一开始被礼貌地回绝了。

    A preliminary approach to Amazon for a donation of Kindles was initially politely refused .

  18. 当卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)上月第一次致电歌鸟房地产(SongbirdEstates),提出想要控股金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharf)时,它遭到了回绝。

    When the Qatar Investment Authority first called Songbird Estates last month to say it wanted Canary Wharf , it was given short shrift .

  19. 据NPR新闻的詹姆斯·罗利报道,阿斯利康公司以报价太低回绝了该提案。

    NPR 's James Roly reports AstraZeneca is rejecting that offer as it is too low .

  20. 然而,试图建立这种关系是支流回绝,并考察日本(两次),缅甸,越南戴(两次在忽必烈的统治),和Java,将所有的更新失败。

    However , the attempts to establish such tributary relationships were rebuffedand expeditions to Japan ( twice ), Myanmar , Dai Viet ( twice duringKublai 's rule ), and Java , would all later fail .

  21. 它不接受外部投资,回绝了无数风险投资家和其他潜在投资者,其中包括Napster创始人肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)。

    It has taken no outside investment , rebuffing numerous venture capitalists and other would-be backers that include Napster founder Sean Parker .

  22. 他的这番话是对世界卫生组织(WHO)总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)的回绝。WHO发表声明称,甲型H1N1猪流感疫情目前已发展成世界性流行病。

    His comments were a rebuff to Margaret Chan , director-general of the World Health Organisation , which has declared that the H1N1 swine flu outbreak is now a pandemic .

  23. 不过虽然Workday现在很吸引人(据报道它已回绝了数次收购要约),但所有迹象都表明该公司将于今年进行首次公开募股(IPO)。

    But as attractive as workday is ( it has reportedly turned down multiple acquisition offers ) , all signs point to the company filing for IPO sometime this year .

  24. 沙特外交大臣沙特费萨尔亲王(princesaudal-faisal)断然回绝了这一提议,称中国人不需要来自沙特的建议。

    Prince Saudi al-Faisal , the Saudi foreign minister , rebuffed the idea , saying the Chinese did not need suggestions from Saudi Arabia .

  25. 1955年12月1日傍晚,当巴士司机要求罗莎.帕克斯(RosaParks)让座时,她直视司机并回绝了这一要求。

    On the evening of December 1 , 1955 , when a bus driver told Rosa Park to hand over her seat , she looked him in the eye and she told him " No. "

  26. fernandes先生想在新加坡获取许可证,建立运行点,甚至连这个自由国度也一口回绝了。

    Even in liberal Singapore , Mr Fernandes has been rebuffed in his attempts to win a licence to set up an operating base .

  27. EMC因其整合式的经营模式,即囊括从数据存储到网络再到内容管理的一系列业务,而备受投资者的批评。不过该公司的管理层总体上回绝了彻底拆分公司的呼声。

    EMC itself has been criticized by investors for its so-called federation , a collection of businesses that range from data storage to networking to content management , though its management has largely rebuffed calls for a total breakup of the company .

  28. 朝鲜方面的通知是对美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)的断然回绝。希拉里周三呼吁朝鲜不要采取任何挑衅性行为,并表示,如果朝方坚持发射卫星,可能考虑一系列选项加以应对。

    The announcement comes as a sharp rebuff to Hillary Clinton , the US secretary of state , who on Wednesday called on Pyongyang not to do anything provocative and said that a range of options could be pursued if North Korea went ahead with the launch .

  29. 上周,塔塔集团在几天内第二次遭到拒绝orient-express回绝了与泰姬酒店(taj)合并的提议。

    Tata received a second rebuff in a matter of days this week when Orient-Express , a new York-listed hotels , trains and cruises group , rejected its offer of a tie-up with its Taj hotels .

  30. 佩尔松和Mojang以前曾多次回绝过其他公司的收购意向,但大约三个月前,微软开始和他们接触时,佩尔松显得比较愿意考虑套现选项。

    Mr. Persson and Mojang had repeatedly rebuffed takeover entreaties in the past , but by the time Microsoft made an initial approach about three months ago , the game developer was more willing to consider cashing out .