
  • 网络retrospective analysis;Retrograde Analysis
  1. 本研究能够丰富为多元非参数分布过程的回溯分析理论,开拓相关问题的研究思路,完善SPC理论体系,为方法研究提供理论依据。

    This study can enrich the baseline period study in the non-parametric multivariate distribution and improve the SPC theoretical system and provide a new basis for the theoretical study .

  2. 对156例住院脑卒中患者运用《Zung抑郁自评量表》进行抑郁的评定,就抑郁的发生率及其与年龄、病程、损伤部位、卒中性质及ADL之间的关系进行了回溯分析。

    156 stroke patients were assessed retrospectively by Self Depression Scale . The incidence of depression after stroke , and the relationship of depression between age , course , location of impairment , the character of the stroke , and ADL ability were included in the study .

  3. 在回溯分析阶段,一般均假设基础观测值表现为单一的运行模式。

    In phase ⅰ, the observations are expressed as a single mode of operation .

  4. 因此,必须在不做任何分布假定的前提下,准确地识别运行模式的数量及其变化时间,即解决非参数分布过程的回溯分析问题。

    Therefore , we must identify the quantity of operating modes and times without any assumption of data distribution .

  5. VisualProlog的回溯机制分析

    Analysis of the Backtracking Mechanism in Visual Prolog

  6. 在这项回溯性分析研究中,研究者比较TEM与TA,针对良性与恶性直肠肿块进行研究;

    In this retrospective study , the researchers compared TEM with TA for both benign and malignant rectal masses .

  7. 随机约束满足问题的回溯算法分析振动特征值的边界约束刚度灵敏度

    An Average Time Analysis of Backtracking on Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems BOUNDARY STIFFNESS SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF EIGENVALUES

  8. 该算法克服了自顶向下的分析方法必定存在回溯、分析代价大的缺陷。

    A " bottom-up " analysis method and attribute grammar is used to get correct structure tree .

  9. 通过对分析系统变量、系统变量间的关系以及系统运行的回溯链路分析和关键路径分析等,构建知识创新工程系统运行模型;

    Through analysis of system variables , system variables and the relationship between the operating system analysis and critical path analysis back links , a knowledge innovation project system operating model ;

  10. 本文以《无字》为起点对张洁近十年的作品重新进行了回溯,分析其审美变化中所蕴含的本质。

    The article with " words " as the starting point for Zhang Jie for nearly ten years of work to carry on the back , analyze its aesthetic changes contained in the nature .

  11. 以人误模式为切入点,对这些因素的诊断采用了人误原因的回溯性分析方法,具体过程为:一般行为条件描述确定可能的人误模式确定可能的人误原因因素匹配判断。

    Retrospect analytical method , which consists of concrete diagnosis processes-describing common performance conditions , defining the possible error modes , defining the probable causal factors and making an match estimation , is adopted to diagnose causal factors from human error modes .

  12. 本文通过对后现代精神和生态伦理的诸多流派回溯与分析,认为全球环境问题的深层根源在于:现代思维模式主导下的主客分离和人与自然的严重失和;

    After recalling and analyzing postmodern spirits and all kinds of schools of eco-philosophy , the thesis held that the deep layer reason of global environment problems is of subject-object separation and serious inharmony between man and nature under the leading of modern thinking model .

  13. 通过对煤矿事故报告材料的事后回溯统计分析发现:(1)乡镇煤矿的事故最多、国营地方煤矿次之,国家统配煤矿最少;

    By after-event statistical analysis on coal accident reports , it is shown : ( 1 ) number of accident in the town and township colliery are most , the state-run colliery second to the town and township colliery , the country control colliery least ;

  14. 最后,探讨并实现了几种基于仿真平台的分析/调试工具:检查点、回溯、流量分析。

    Finally , the paper explored and realized several analysis / debugging tools based on simulation platform : Checkpoint , backtracking , and traffic analysis .

  15. 本文在吸收和综合有关文献的基础上,首先对现代股利政策理论的发展脉络进行了回溯,继而分析了我国上市公司股权结构与现金股利分配的现状。

    Firstly , this paper backdates the dividend theories skeleton , and then analysis the actualities of cash dividend distribution and the equity structure of listed companies .

  16. 本文简要概述了孔德的实证主义与其社会学思想的结合过程,并对其实证主义社会学产生的社会历史条件和思想渊源进行了回溯,探讨分析了孔德的社会学是如何形成其实证主义传统的。

    This article summarizes the combination process of Comte 's ideas about positivism and sociology , and discusses the social conditions and the idea sources of Comte 's Positivistic Sociology , This article also discusses how Comte developed his Positivistic Sociology .

  17. 通过对现有回溯算法的分析和回溯过程的统计,我们提出了基于前向回溯算法的概率回溯算法,从而在减小回溯部件所需存储空间的同时降低了译码器的译码延迟。

    A special algorithm named " probability trace back " is developed based on our research of the existed trace back algorithms and some Stat. By using it , the decoding latency as well as the memory space in the trace back component is reduced .

  18. 通过历史回溯和比较分析可知,在判定某行为是否构成垄断时,合理规则根据行为后果的多种因素考量,本身违法规则根据行为的特定类型作出直接判定。

    On the basis of historical review and comparative analysis , when judging whether a given behavior constitutes antitrust violation or not , the Rule of Reason adopts comprehensive study on the consequences while the Persecution Rule classifies the feature of said act and then gives direct outcome .

  19. 侦查活动中回溯推理的结构分析

    An Analysis on the Structure of Reductive Inference in Investigative Activities

  20. 一种无回溯的自然语言分析算法

    An Algorithm Without Backtracking for Natural Language Parsing

  21. 其次,根据快速反应系统的需求,对攻击源回溯技术、报警分析技术、攻击自动响应技术等进行了研究,并设计了一个实用的快速反应系统原型。

    Then , according to the requirements of FRS , new techniques such as attack source trace back , alerts analysis and automatic response to attack are addressed and implemented .

  22. 另外还对国家刑事赔偿制度的产生历史进行了回溯,并且对比分析了各主要国家的国家刑事赔偿制度以及新中国成立前我国在这一领域中已有的立法经验。

    On national criminal compensation system in the history , and a comparative analysis of the main national criminal compensation system and before the founding of new China in this field in China the existing legislative experience .