
  • 网络ion fragment;fragment ions
  1. 利用该装置测量了一氧化碳分子的光电离效率曲线及其离子碎片的部分光学振子强度密度。

    The photoionization efficiency curve and the partial optical oscillator strength densities for different fragments of CO was determined by this work .

  2. 通过比较不同碰撞能量下的未知化合物子和氧化芍药甙的离子碎片,确定了未知化合物的基本结构单元。

    By comparing the product ion mass spectra of oxypaeoniflorin with those of the unknown component under different collision energy , basic structure unit of the unknown component was determined .

  3. 当能量低于目标分子的电离阈值的入射电子与分子碰撞时,会发生电子贴附分子解离,生成一个负离子碎片和一个或者几个中性碎片。

    When incident electron energy is below the ionization threshold of target molecule , an electron-molecule resonant state can be formed . Due to the state instability , the temporary negative ion will dissociate into a negatively charged ion plus one or more neutral fragments .

  4. 用355nm激光多光子电离解离飞行时间质谱观测到在超声分子束中形成的最多为12个分子的团簇离子及其碎片。

    Clusters and their fragments contain up to 12 acetone molecules , produced by supersonic expansion jet , are observed in the time of flight mass spectrum under 355 nm laser irradiation .

  5. 苯环上的取代基团X对分子离子和一些碎片离子的强度有明显的影响:随X电负性的增强,相应离子的强度下降。

    The intensity of molecular ions and some fragment ions of all compounds ( 1 ~ 25 ) was closely related to the electronic nature of substituted group X.

  6. 此外,还给出了丰富的碎片峰;小分子药物的结构与CID电压对APCI/MS的分子离子峰及碎片离子丰度有明确的影响。

    In APCI / MS the structures of small molecular drugs and CID voltage affected their molecular ion peaks and fragment ion peaks obviously .

  7. 由于共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)母体离子谱与碎片离子谱的相似性,可用探测总离子信号的方法来替代单独的母离子探测,有效地提高痕量探测的灵敏度。

    Similarities in the REMPI spectra of all the ions could lead to greater trace detection sensitivity if the total ion yield is concerned instead of only the parent ions .

  8. 使用激光多光子电离质谱技术,研究了甲胺分子在425nm~495nm波长范围内共振增强多光子电离碎裂(REMPIF)过程,记录了母体离子和与碎片离子产额与波长的依赖关系。

    Laser ionization mass spectrometry is used to study the wavelength dependence of resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization ( REMPI ) of methylamine , and both the parent and fragment ion yields are recorded in the wavelength range of 425  ̄ 495 nm .

  9. 重离子裂变反应碎片角分布

    Measurement of fission fragment angular distribution in heavy-ions induced reaction

  10. 苯的飞秒质谱图与纳秒情况不同,分子离子为主,碎片峰很少。

    Different from that of nanosecond , benzene phtoionization using femtosecond laser has predominent molecular ion peak with very small percentage of fragments .

  11. 高锥孔电压的采用能大大提高检测灵敏度,并且得到用于人参皂甙结构鉴定的加合离子和特征碎片离子。

    At the high cone voltage , both the molecular weight and structural information ` were obtained from a single mass spectrum . It can also be used for isomer differentiation and structure determination of ginsenosides .

  12. 在较高剂量时,随机断裂模型可以较好地再现实验结果,说明了在较高剂量情况下,重离子诱发的DNA碎片的长度分布具有随机统计性质。

    It indicates that the length distribution of DNA fragments has random statistical feature in higher doses .

  13. 重离子反应出射碎片之间激发能分配的研究

    A study of exitation energies sharing between fragments in heavy-ion reactions

  14. 滚滑复合轴承研究其质谱的分子离子峰及特征碎片峰也与熊果酸的一致。确定该化合物为熊果酸。

    Research on Compound Bearing of Sliding and Rolling So it was determined that the compound was ursolic acid .

  15. 受限制于能量传递的效率,ETD对双电荷离子的碎裂效率和产生离子碎片的序列覆盖度较为有限。

    Restricted to energy transfer efficiency , production of doubly charged ion fragments and the sequence coverage is limited .

  16. 根据CID技术得到的RDX和HMX的分子离子,加合离子和特征碎片离子,易确定RDX和HMX的结构。

    According to the molecular ions , the adduct ions and characteristic fragmentation ions of RDX and HMX obtained by CID technique , the structures of RDX and HMX are easily confirmed .

  17. 根据氯同位素和硅同位素离子峰相对强度推测了离子碎片组成和这类化合物的质谱裂解规律。

    According to relative intensity of isotopes of chlorine and silicon , the compositions of fragments and fragmentation regularities of mass spectra were inferred .

  18. 实验结果表明,在280~286.5nm区域内,二甲基硫分子以母体分子的电离通道为主,即首先电离生成母体离子然后母体离子再解离生成碎片离子。

    It was shown that the main dissociation channel of dimethyl sulfide is the photoionization of parent molecule firstly in the range of 280 ~ 286.5 ? nm , then followed by photodissociation of parent ion .

  19. 有些分子离子断裂成为较小的子离子和中性碎片。

    Some of the molecular ions fragment into smaller daughter ions and neutral fragments .