
  1. 基南说,他警告自己的客户在打离婚官司期间,要远离Facebook。

    Mr Keenan said he warned his clients to keep off Facebook while going through divorce proceedings .

  2. 主演:乔治.克鲁尼凯瑟琳.泽塔-琼斯离婚官司律师MilesMassey拥有一切:喷气飞机、洗涤机、三个花园,还有一份婚书。

    Divorce attorney Miles Massey has everything , a jet , a jet washer , three gardeners ( or " those little lawn people " as he puts it ) , and even a marriage contract ( The Massey Prenup ) named after him .

  3. 我可没为她丈夫打离婚官司。

    I didn 't handle her husband 's divorce .

  4. 他的家庭发生了纠纷,一场唇枪舌剑的离婚官司耗费了他绝大部分资财。

    His marriage disintegrated , and an acrimonious divorce that took away most of his assets .

  5. 如果你们不想过了的话,那就为离婚官司准备文件吧。

    If you two don 't want to be together you 'll have to file for divorce .

  6. 我清楚在迈克尔和莉迪亚的离婚官司中你功不可没

    I 'm very aware of the job you did for Michael in his divorce against Lydia .

  7. 如果你正在打一场离婚官司,双方会更容易达成协议。

    If you are in the process of a divorce , it will become easier to reach a settlement .

  8. 因为我们不用打离婚官司,我们只用废除注册就行了。

    Because we don 't need to get divorced , okay ? We , we 're just gonna get an annulment .

  9. 在红十字会举办的一次旨在为巴厘岛爆炸案受害者筹款的拍卖会上,澳大利亚一家律师事务所提供了一份特别的奖品:一场免费的离婚官司。

    An Australian law firm has offered up a free divorce as a prize in a Red Cross auction to raise funds for victims of the Bali bombings .

  10. 一本1948年首次出版的唐老鸭漫画书在瑞典卷入一对夫妇的漫长离婚官司。

    Walt Disney cartoon character Donald Duck on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in August 2004 . A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple 's drawn-out custody battle .

  11. 研究的结语部分建议实行调审分离制度,将调解作为一个完全独立于庭审的一个程序。只有这样才能够保障每个离婚诉讼官司中的夫妇都能有效的享有调解所特有的优点。

    It is thus suggested at the end of this study that mediation should be practiced as a completely separated procedure so that every couple goes to court can truly enjoy the advantages of mediations .

  12. 伦敦普遍被人们视为全球离婚之都,是密尔斯打离婚官司的理想之地。

    London is widely seen as the divorce capital of the world and was the ideal place for mills to pursue her case .

  13. 另外,新西兰摇滚电台策划节目促成离婚,参与者不仅可以通过电台宣读离婚宣言,电台还答应替他们承担离婚官司的费用。

    Elsewhere , the Rock radio station in New Zealand is to spring divorces by a radio program . The participant can read the divorce declaration through the radio . The radio station also promised that they will pay the divorce lawsuit fees for them .