
  1. 你会发现在家庭环境里离你深爱的人近了。

    You will feel close to those you love in your home environment .

  2. 原来我真的是离不开爱的女子。

    But our love is here to stay .

  3. 当你离真实、爱和力量越来越远的时候,你实际上是让自己远离了智慧、快乐和力量。

    Whenever you turn your back on truth , love , or power , you distance yourself from experiencing wisdom , joy , and strength .

  4. 当我离开我的生活过往时,我新生活的平衡已从一切生活琐事开始,它离浪漫的爱与被爱的平衡还远着呢。

    When I leave my old life route and start a whole adventure , my balance begins with all the living details , far away from the romantic love .

  5. 这张专辑是献给你们的,我全部的粉丝,谢谢你们总是支持我对我不弃不离!我爱你们!

    This album is for you , my fans , who have always supported me and have stuck by me every step of the way ! I love you all !