
  • 网络Divorce Wars
  1. 在这部电影中,被选为1979年的最佳影片,斯特里普扮演Joana,与达斯汀霍夫曼,她的前夫展开了一个痛苦的离婚大战。

    In this film , chosen as the Best Picture of1979 , Streep plays Joana , a divorce é who ensues in a bitter custody battle against her ex-husband , played by Dustin Hoffman .

  2. 离婚大战对两人关系的损害常常比婚姻破裂本身要高得多。

    And the divorce fight often ends up damaging the relationship far more than the breakdown of the marriage .

  3. 关于让孩子远离离婚大战:“不要拿孩子当中间人。孩子并不是有效的信使,反而会造成误解。这样做也会带给孩子一种混乱的情绪,他们无法消化接受。”

    On keeping children clear of the battle zone : " Never use children as go-betweens . Children are not effective messengers and misunderstandings will ensue . You may also be revealing a range of anarchic emotions to your children which they are unable to assimilate . "

  4. 在法庭上他们讲出自己离婚的原因,前不久,他们联手偷窃了许多财物,但是对于财物如何分产生了争执,最终引起了离婚大战。

    In court , they tell their divorce , recently , who steal many possessions , but how to produce goods , finally points caused a divorce .