
  • offline;Line;Disconnect
  1. 如何在离线时写电子邮件?

    How do I write an email offline ?

  2. 离线订货请拨打这个号码。

    For offline orders , call this number .

  3. “为了培养创造力,"贝尔顿博士建议说,"也许我们需要站着、盯着,时不时地离线。”

    " For developing the ability to be creative , " Dr. Belton advised , " perhaps we need to stand and stare , and stay off-line from time to time . "

  4. 现在,是时候从社交网络中抽出一些时间来进行离线社交了。

    Now , it ’ s time to take a break from social networking and go offline socializing .

  5. B类是推理;一类公正的离线的电子现金方案

    Category B contains six types . AN FAIR OFF-LINE E-CASH SCHEME

  6. 基于CAD的机器人焊接、切割离线编程系统

    Offline-Programming system for Robot Welding / Cutting Based on CAD

  7. 通过离线训练,更新IP地址信息库,优化HMM参数。

    HMM and IP address database is trained separately though off-line training .

  8. 它可以在离线状态下保护IBMCognos,甚至是在非Windows环境中。

    This can work offline with IBM Cognos security even on non-Windows environment .

  9. DB2(数据库)提供了物理备份和逻辑备份2种数据备份的方式,其中的物理备份方式可分为离线备份和在线备份2种模式。

    DB2 database system provids two kinds of backup method ; physical and logical .

  10. 有人认为AdobeAIR仅仅是关于离线,这是一个误解。

    It 's a bit of a misconception that Adobe AIR is just about offline .

  11. 模糊控制表采用离线计算,完成后存入FPGA。

    The fuzzy control table is calculated by outline , and then kept it in FPGA .

  12. 示例ContactManager应用程序(用于姓名、地址和电话号码)具有在线和离线模式。

    The sample Contact Manager application ( for names , addresses , and phone numbers ) has an online and offline mode .

  13. 本文下一部分展示如何混合在线和离线内容来创建一个灵活、可扩展的Web应用程序,从而提供良好的脱机功能。

    The next part of this article demonstrates how to mix online and offline content to create a flexible , extensible Web application that provides good offline capability .

  14. AP操作状态:在线或离线

    AP operational states : online or offline

  15. MPLS传输层网络设计对(离线型流量工程算法)性能的影响

    The Influence of MPLS Transport Network Design to the Performance of Off-line Traffic Engineering

  16. 质谱测量获得的Os同位素数据需采用专门编制的离线处理程序进行脱氧和质量分馏校正。

    The measured Osmium isotope data should be processed with mass fractionation correction and oxygen isotope interference correction .

  17. 设计离线关联来对安全信息进行离线分析,再现黑客入侵的攻击场景,揭示IDS报警间的关联关系。

    Design off-line correlator which can construct attack scenarios and reveal the relationship of IDS alerts .

  18. 一种基于LMI的离线预测控制算法

    An Off-line Algorithm of Constrained Predictive Control Model Using Linear Matrix Inequalities

  19. 在所建模型基础上,结合PID控制器对压电陶瓷进行了Rule+PI控制的离线仿真研究;

    Combining with PID controller , off-line simulation with Rule and PI control was conducted in piezoelectric actuators based on the control model .

  20. T-S模糊模型离线辨识方法研究。

    Research on offline identification of T-S model .

  21. BES-ⅡTOF数据的离线刻度

    Data Offline Calibration for the BES - ⅱ TOF System

  22. 以某石化企业延迟焦化车间底层51个PID控制回路为应用对象,利用本文所提出的气动执行阀粘滞特性的改进模型和参数辨识方法,离线分析各个气动执行阀粘滞特性。

    The improved models and stiction parameters identification method is used for analyzing 51 PID control loops in the delayed coking plant from a petrochemical company .

  23. 基于到达时间OD的动态系统最优分配离线模型与算法

    Dynamic System Optimal Offline Assignment for Arrival Time Based OD : M od el and Algorithm

  24. 为了更直观地观察端点检测、DTW算法设计的有效性,本文进行离线仿真。

    Off-line simulation is designed to observe the validity vividly .

  25. PostgreSql数据库在BES离线处理中的应用

    The application of Database PostgreSql in the BES offline treating

  26. 本文研究在IBM-PC微机上进行机器人离线轨迹规划的图形仿真系统。

    The graphic simulation system for off-line trajectory planning of manipulators on IBM-PC is investigated .

  27. 对于PLC程序则根据打号机的工作原理进行了模块化设计,并选用离线调试和在线调试相结合的方法调试了PLC程序;

    According to the working principle of the stamping machine , the PLC program adopts the modular design method , debugged by both the off-line debugging and the on-line debugging .

  28. 通过利用VC++、数据库技术和MATLAB计算引擎(Engine)技术离线实现了高精度船用机器人自动划线切割系统中型材变形的补偿。

    By means of VC + + , Access and Matlab engine complex programing technique , 2D-profile deformation in high-pricision automated cutting and marking robot for the manufacturing of shipbuilding profiles is compensated .

  29. 离线Web应用程序规范并不强制您使用这个DOCTYPE;但是,建议您这样做。

    The offline Web application specification does not dictate that you use this DOCTYPE ; however , it is recommended that you do .

  30. 这意味着可以离线编写DHTML代码。

    This means that you can work on your DHTML code off-line .