
  • 网络Divorce Certificate
  1. 她不肯搬家也不肯签离婚证书。

    And she won 't move or sign the divorce papers .

  2. 法官不给我们离婚证书!

    The judge wouldn 't let us get an annulment !

  3. 好了,基于我所听到的,你们不够资格领取离婚证书。

    Well , based on what I heard , you two certainly don 't qualify for an annulment .

  4. 同一年,她的荧幕处女作《离婚证书》面世,在剧中她扮演影星约翰。

    Her screen debut came the same year in the film A Bill of Divorcement , in which she played the daughter of star John Barrymore .

  5. 当他们离婚,结婚证书就会失效。

    When they got a divorce , their marriage certificate became null and void .

  6. 船舶吨税执照申请书离婚时学位证书和职业证书的可分性研究

    Application for tonnage due certificate Divisibility of Academic Certificate and Professional License at Divorce