
  1. 荆门热电厂100MW汽轮发电机组通流部分改造

    The Renovation of 100 MW Turboset Flow Path in Jinmen Thermal Power Plant

  2. 荆门热电厂采用数字电液调节系统(DEH)对5号机组原有液压调节系统进行改造,实现了汽轮机纯电调控制。

    The pure electronic hydraulic control of No. 5 200 MW generating unit in Jingmen Cogeneration Power Plant is realized by retrofitting the original hydraulic governing system using DEH .

  3. 荆门热电厂4号机凝汽器铜管在大修检查中发现甲、乙、丙三侧水进口端100mm左右管段有不均匀的铜基体裸露腐蚀,部分铜管中部也发生沉积物下腐蚀。

    The corrosion was found at a , b , c inlet end of condenser tubes in overhaul . The corrosion under deposit occurred on the middle part of some copper tubes .

  4. 介绍了荆门热电厂4号机组(200MW)采用的2号低压加热器疏水泵变频调节系统的设计、调试及应用情况,该系统克服了传统的定速调节的诸多弊端,取得了很好的经济效益。

    The design , commissioning and application of variable frequency regulation system for drain pump of No. 2 low pressure heater of No. 4 generator ( 200 MW ) in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant were introduced .

  5. 荆门热电厂公司创业战略研究

    Study on the Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy of Jingmen Thermal Power Plant

  6. 荆门热电厂4号机励磁回路技术改造

    Exciting circuit retrofitting of Jingmen thermal power plant unit 4

  7. 荆门热电厂热工总电源控制回路改进

    The Improvement of Thermodynamic Main Power Supply Control Circuit in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant

  8. 荆门热电厂5号发-变组保护的微机化改造

    Computerized Innovation of the Protection for No.5 Generator Transformer Set in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant

  9. 介绍了荆门热电厂热工总电源控制回路的改进后,解决了所存在的问题,提高了该控制回路的可靠性。

    The improvement of Thermodynamic main power supply control circuit in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant was introduced , its existing problems were solved and the reliability of its control circuit was improved .

  10. 针对荆门热电厂4号主变冷却系统存在冷却容量不够等问题,进行了技术分析,提出了新冷却系统的设计并介绍了其安装过程。

    For the cooling system capacity of № 4 main transformer in Jinmen thermal power plant being inefficient , through technical analysis , the design of new cooling system was put forward and the installation process was introduced .