
  1. 行政强制执行的理论依据主要是:行政行为具有先定力;

    The theoretical bases of administrative enforcement are as follows : the force of administrative conduct assumed in advance ;

  2. 目前学界对行政行为先定力的两种理解均存在不少值得质疑之处。

    There are many questions that should be investigated for the two understandings about the previous force of the administrative act in the current academic circles .

  3. 双方行为必须在双方当事人意思表示一致的情况下才能具有先定力,而单方行为只需有一方的意思表示即可生效。

    Bilateral act has the prior determinative force when both sides agree with each other , and for unilateral act , it just needs declaration of will of one side .