
  • 网络Syngenta;SYT
  1. 先正达公司(syngenta)官员JackBernens解释了这种酶的工作原理。

    Syngenta official Jack Bernens explains how it works .

  2. 更大胆的是,中国化工(ChemChina)据报道正考虑以现金竞购市值350亿瑞士法郎的先正达公司(SyngentaAG)。

    And most brazenly , ChemChina is reportedly considering an all-cash bid worth SFr35bn for Syngenta AG .

  3. 为确保与先正达达成协议,中国化工获得了中信证券(CiticSecurities)300亿美元的收购融资,以及汇丰银行(HSBC)的200亿美元。

    To secure its agreement with Syngenta , ChemChina received $ 30bn in acquisition financing from China 's Citic Securities and $ 20bn from HSBC .

  4. 去年,在先正达公司(syngenta)承认自己出售的玉米中偶然含有未经批准的转基因玉米之后,欧盟(eu)暂时禁止从美国进口玉米动物饲料。

    The EU last year temporarily banned imports of US corn animal feed after Syngenta admitted said it accidentally sold corn that contained unapproved genetically modified corn .

  5. 出价440亿美元收购瑞士农业化工巨擘先正达(Syngenta)的中国化工就是一个很好的例子。

    ChemChina , which is offering $ 44bn for Syngenta , the Swiss agrichemical giant , is a case in point .

  6. 2001年,先正达公司(syngenta)生产的基因改造的食品被发现在没有被批准的情况下进入食品供应链。

    In two thousand one , genetically modified corn made by Syngenta was found in the food supply chain without approval .

  7. 市场猜测,Cfius几乎肯定会要求进行资产剥离,或者限制这家中国公司得到先正达在美国的分支机构和技术。

    The market is betting that Cfius is almost certainly going to require divestitures or restrictions on access of the Chinese company to Syngenta 's American operations and technology .

  8. 如果执行得当,先正达就有机会大幅缩短与孟山都(monsanto)和杜邦(dupont)之间的距离这两家美国公司是该行业的全球翘楚,规模远大于先正达。

    If executed correctly , the opportunities could lift it much closer to Monsanto and DuPont - its far bigger US rivals - which are the world leaders in the business .

  9. JimMcCarthy:“但是该事件却严重扰乱了食用玉米的可获得性。所以,我们这次影响可能也会非常严重。我们敦促先正达公司深思熟虑。”

    JIM McCARTHY : " But it did cause major s in the availability of food-grade corn . So we do think this will have a major impact . And we 're urging Syngenta to rethink this . "

  10. 这名高管怀疑中国化工最终能否完成这笔交易:“先正达的种子最终将获得中国监管机构的优先批准,进一步破坏陶氏、杜邦、孟山都和拜耳(Bayer)的商机。”

    The executive suspects that if the ChemChina deal is completed , " Syngenta 's seeds will ultimately receive preferential regulatory approval by Chinese authorities , further undermining the fortunes of Dow , Dupont , Monsanto and Bayer . "

  11. 过去一年,从力拓(RioTinto)、李维斯(LeviStrauss)到先正达(Syngenta),每当我遇到企业高管,他们都会盛赞利用数字化提高“生产效率”的好处。

    Whenever I have met executives in the past year , at companies ranging from Rio Tinto to Levi Strauss to Syngenta , they have extolled the benefits of using digitisation to boost " productivity . "

  12. 生产MIR-162转基因的公司先正达公司(SyngentaAG)周五在通过电子邮件发表的声明中呼吁中国修订法律,认可MIR-162转基因。

    Syngenta AG , which makes the MIR-162 strain , called on China in an emailed statement Friday to update its laws to allow the strain . '

  13. 其中包括中国最大国有集团之一中国化工(ChemChina)对瑞士先正达(Syngenta)420亿美元的拟议收购,以及不久前公布的对芝加哥股票交易所(ChicagoStockExchange)的拟议收购——该交易已引起了国会要求审查的呼吁。

    Those include the mooted $ 42bn takeover of Switzerland 's Syngenta by ChemChina , one of that country 's largest state-owned conglomerates , and a bid announced this week for the Chicago Stock Exchange , which has already drawn calls from Congress for a review .

  14. 其中最大的一宗是中国化工集团公司收购先正达(Syngenta)的计划,价值430亿美元。这家瑞典公司是农用化肥和种子生产领域的巨头,在美国有多处大型分支机构。

    The biggest is China National Chemical Corporation 's $ 43 billion acquisition of Syngenta , a Swiss giant in farm chemicals and seeds with big operations in the United States .

  15. 飞兆的决定也许会令中国化工(ChemChina)感到不安。后者已同意以440亿美元收购瑞士农业企业先正达(Syngenta),这是有史以来最大手笔的中资海外收购。

    Fairchild 's decision may unsettle ChemChina , which has agreed to buy Swiss agribusiness company Syngenta for $ 44bn , marking China 's largest overseas takeover in history .

  16. 美国加州克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)政府学教授裴敏欣提出了一连串担忧:“人们应该问一问,这样的收购是否出于非经济动机?中国收购方有没有能力管理好这些大型、复杂和创新的企业(比如先正达)。”

    Minxin Pei , professor of government at Claremont McKenna College in California , raises a series of concerns . " People should ask whether such acquisitions are made with non-economic motives and whether China 's acquirers have the capacity to manage these large , complex and innovative firms [ like Syngenta ] . "

  17. 美国农业部长汤姆•维尔萨克(TomVilsack)对中国化工(ChemChina)以440亿美元收购瑞士种子与化工集团先正达(Syngenta)的交易表示关切,称自己担心这笔交易可能会影响中国政府对美国产转基因生物的审批、以及全球粮食安全。

    The US 's top agriculture official has raised concerns over a $ 44bn Chinese bid for Swiss seeds and chemicals group Syngenta , saying he is worried about the impact it may have on how Beijing approves US-made genetically modified organisms and on global food security .

  18. 先正达公司称,这其中包括商业机密。

    Syngenta says it has trade secrets to protect .

  19. 先正达公司向政府缴纳了罚款。

    Syngenta paid a fine to the government .

  20. 先正达公司表示他们将采取措施,避免这种新型玉米进入食品渠道。

    Syngenta says it will take measures to keep the new maize out of the food supply .

  21. 瑞士先正达公司对玉米进行基因改造,使其富含阿尔法淀粉酶。

    The big Swiss company Syngenta genetically engineered the maize to contain an enzyme called alpha amylase .

  22. 推出自己的转基因玉米种子产品,将令先正达不必向孟山都支付高额专利使用费。

    Introducing its own GM maize products will relieve the group from expensive royalty payments to Monsanto .

  23. 譬如,孟山都、杜邦和先正达农公司都在培育用水量小的农作物。

    For example , companies like Monsanto , DuPont and Syngenta are developing corn with reduced water needs .

  24. 先正达在全球植保领域名列前茅,并在高价值商业种子领域排名第三。

    The company is a world leader in crop protection and ranks the third in the high-value commercial seeds market .

  25. 作为附加支持,先正达中国将雇佣一名工程师监督项目的实施。

    As an additional support an engineer will be hired by Syngenta China to put into effect the described project .

  26. 收购先正达让中国化工和任建新在中国的海外粮食安全战略中获得了关键角色。

    The Syngenta transaction gave ChemChina and Mr Ren a key role in the country 's overseas food security strategy .

  27. 杰克·布尔诺称,先正达公司仅向把玉米提供给附近乙醇加工厂的农民出售种子。

    Jack Bernens says the company will sell seeds only to farmers who take their crops to nearby ethanol processing plants .

  28. 同时这将赋予先正达更大的领跑科技发展的自由,而不是依赖于竞争对手。

    And it will give Syngenta much greater liberty to lead technological development , rather than being dependent on a rival .

  29. 考虑到这一点,中国化工已经表示,将自愿向美国外国投资委员会提交先正达交易,请求审批。

    With that in mind , ChemChina has said it will voluntarily submit its deal for Syngenta to Cfius for review .

  30. 《自然》杂志社论指出,国际农业科技评估报告的秘书处和主席们需要自问,孟山都和先正达这两个创始成员如何走到了退出这一步的。

    Nature says the assessment 's secretariat and chairs need to ask themselves how two founding members reached the point of walking out .