
  • 网络Congenital Coxa Vara
  1. 且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。

    They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara , ischium and pubis hypoplasia , spinal bifida or child carpale stunt .

  2. 他们工作勤奋,而且并不以此为耻,这样做并没有什么错。且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。

    They work hard , and are – quite properly – not ashamed of doing so . They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara , ischium and pubis hypoplasia , spinal bifida or child carpale stunt .

  3. 倒V形外展截骨术治疗先天性髋内翻

    Inverted V-shaped valgus osteotomy for congenital coxa vara

  4. 小儿先天性髋内翻Borden截骨术后12年以上随访

    A Follow-up Over 12 Years of Borden 's Osteotomy for Congenital Coxa Vara Among Children

  5. 探讨Y型截骨、鹅头钢板内固定治疗先天性髋内翻。

    To investigate Y-shaped osteotomy and the internal fixation with geese-head steel plates for treatment of congenital coxa vara .

  6. [结论]Y型截骨、鹅头钢板内固定能够改善股骨上端异常结构,增加患肢真性长度,是治疗先天性髋内翻的有效方法。

    [ Conclusion ] The Y-shaped osteotomy and internal fixation with geese-head steel plates can improve the abnormal structure of upper femur , increase the real length of the affected limb . Therefore , it is an ideal effective method for treatment of congenital coxa vara .