
  • 网络prescription compatibility;compatibility of medicines in a prescription
  1. 本项工作将丰富现代药物治疗学,促进方剂配伍的科学诠释,开拓中药新药创制新思路,构建创新中药的理论基础。

    This study will enrich the modern pharmaco-therapeutics , push forward the scientific explanation of compatibility of medicines in a prescription , create new ideas for the development of new Chinese medicines and build up a theoretical basis for the innovation of Chinese medicines .

  2. 方剂配伍规律研究既是方剂研究的关键问题,又是难点问题。

    Research on law of prescription compatibility is both the key problem and the difficult problem for prescription study .

  3. 结论:1.运用SPSS聚类分析方法进行方剂配伍方法与规律的研究具有可行性。

    Use of SPSS clustering analysis of the compatibility law of infertility prescription study is feasible . 2 .

  4. 数据挖掘技术在方剂配伍领域的应用研究从药代参数AUC值探讨中药复方双参通冠的配伍

    Application of Data Mining Technology to Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Composition ; Study on the Chinese herbal component SSTG compatibility from a AUC value perspective

  5. 目的探讨芪丹通脉片及其拆方对脑缺血再灌注损伤神经细胞凋亡及Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响,并研究方剂配伍的意义。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Qi Dan Tong Mai Tablets ( QDTMT ) and its separate components on apoptosis of neuronal cells and expression of Bcl-2 protein after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion , and to study the compatibility of the prescription .

  6. 数据挖掘在方剂配伍规律研究应用的探讨

    Explore the Application of Data Mining in the Compatibility of Formula

  7. 方剂配伍作用耦合效应的数理分析方法

    A Mathematical Method for Analyzing the Coupling Effects of TCM Prescriptions

  8. 中药方剂配伍理论研究方法和模式

    Methods and modes about the theory of traditional Chinese prescription composition

  9. 古中医复方方剂配伍关系挖掘模型

    A Mining Model for Medicine Paring Correlation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions

  10. 方剂配伍规律的研究现状和未来发展

    Status Quo of Study and Development of Compatibility Law of TCM Prescriptions

  11. 预防思想在方剂配伍中的体现与应用

    Embodiment and Application of Prevention Thought on Prescription Composing

  12. 应用涌现性原理研究方剂配伍规律

    Research on the composition of prescription with emergence principle

  13. 基于关联规则的中药方剂配伍规律挖掘研究

    Research on Composition Rules Mining of Traditional Chinese Prescription Based on Association Rule

  14. 然而,方剂配伍规律的研究也是中医药现代研究的难点问题,其研究思路和方法尚处于探索中。

    The ideas and methods are still being studied .

  15. 目的:探讨方剂配伍对吸收入体内血药浓度及其药物动力学参数的影响。

    AIM : To explore the effect of composition of prescription on blood drug concentration in vivo and its pharmacokinetics .

  16. 组药是方剂配伍的重要组成部分,是架起中药与方剂之间的桥梁。

    Drug pairs , an important ingredient in prescription compatibility , is the bridge between Chinese materia medica and prescriptions .

  17. 从仲景方中生姜、大枣、甘草的使用看佐药在方剂配伍中的作用与意义

    The Functions and Applications of " Adjuvant drug " from Fresh Ginger 、 Chinese Date and Liquorice Root in Zhongjing 's Prescription

  18. 因此,本课题采用数据挖掘技术在方剂配伍规律方面进行了探索性研究。

    So in this study , exploring research is made to investigate the law of Compatibility of Medicines in prescriptions , by using data mining techniques .

  19. 利用数据挖掘技术探索中药方剂配伍规律,有助于对中医药体系更加具体和深入认识。

    Using data mining techniques to explore the law of traditional Chinese medicine formula compatibility will contribute to more specific and in-depth understanding of the traditional Chinese medicine system .

  20. 方剂配伍理论伴随着中医学的肇始、成长和发展,经历了漫长而又复杂的过程。

    With the emergence , growing , and development of traditional Chinese medicine , the theory of compatibility of medicine has experienced a period of long and complicated time .

  21. 中药归经(肺经)理论和肺系方剂配伍规律的解析及在海洋中药研发中的应用

    The Study of Meridian Tropism Theory ( Lung Meridian Tropism ) and Compatibility of Medicines in Lung System Prescription & Its Application in the Study of Traditional Marine Chinese Medicine

  22. 结论:合理、巧妙配伍姜、枣、草,作为佐药,能使方剂配伍结构更为完善,并提高临床疗效。

    Conclusions : If we utilize Fresh Ginger 、 Chinese Date and Liquorice Root acting as " Adjuvant " in prescription reasonably in clinic , it can increase the treatable functions .

  23. 中药性味配伍是中医方药理论中最具特色的层面,是方剂配伍的原始理论之一。

    Compatibility of nature and flavor of medicines is a special character in the theory of formula and medicine of TCM , and it is one of the basic theories for compatibility of formula .

  24. 方药剂量一直以来都是反映方剂配伍规律的重要因素。影响古方剂量的不统一,主要原因是朝代的变迁,度量衡单位制度的发展变化所致。

    As an important factor that reflects the rules of formula compatibility , the dosage of ancient formula is mainly influenced by the vicissitudes of dynasties and development and changes of the metrological unit system .

  25. 方剂配伍规律研究是中医科研的重点,揭示方剂配伍规律对于更好地理解中医辨证论治、指导临床实践有重要意义。

    The law of Compatibility of Medicines in prescriptions is the key point of TCM research . Discovering the theory can help understanding the diagnosis and treatment according to the basic theories of TCM and guiding clinical practice .

  26. 虽然方剂配伍组成的理论问题是其升华为方剂学后所要回答的根本问题,但目前的现状是配伍理论的发展滞后,并因此影响到实践的进一步发展。

    The theoretical problems about compatibility and composition of medicines in a prescription are an essential one for pharmacology of traditional Chinese medical formulae , but at present development of the theory of the compatibility delays , therefore practical further development is influenced .

  27. 在药物治疗学领域,复方新药的组方筛选和优化、临床联合用药方案的设计与评价,以及中药方剂配伍规律的定量研究,均需要药物相互作用的动力学分析。

    In clinical and experimental therapeutics , the quantitative analysis of drug interaction will supply a tool for optimizing and evaluating a combination in the study of compound drug , the design of combination drug therapy , and the evaluation of traditional medicine formulae .

  28. 目的:观察抗生素、黏液溶解剂和鼻窦炎草药方剂配伍的疗效,筛选出对小儿上颌窦炎最有效的治疗方案,尽可能确定配伍用药的疗程,以提高临床治愈率。

    Objective To research the curative effect of compatibility of antibiotics , mucus lysine and herbs prescription in treatment of juvenile antritis , screen out the most effective therapy scheme , and determine the course of treatment as far as possible , and improve the clinical cure rate .

  29. 本文重点在于探讨古今治疗排卵功能障碍性不孕方剂的配伍规则及临床观察。

    We will discuss the regular pattern of ancient and contemporary prescription compatibility and clinical observation to treat infertility induced by ovulation failure .

  30. 研究显示:对一些传统方剂的配伍分析结果与均匀设计的分析结果一致。

    In recent years , the uniform design has been used in the domain of traditional Chinese recipe and the compatibility of its component drugs .