
  • 网络Flag of convenience;Ship of Flag of Convenience
  1. 论方便旗船及其法律地位

    The " Flag of Convenience " and its Legislative Status

  2. 从船舶登记管理的角度对船舶登记中方便旗船产生的原因进行分析,进而分析方便旗船存在的弊端。

    From ship 's registration management point of view , this thesis analyzes the reasons of flag of convenience in ship 's registration , and further analyzes the abuse of the flag of convenience .

  3. 第7章分析了方便旗船的所有权安排和利弊,提出了我国航运企业对其合理利用应当把握的相应措施。

    Chapter Seven analyses the arrangements , advantages and disadvantages of ownership of ship of flags of convenience . And finally the thesis advances the corresponding measures that China 's shipping companies should take for the purpose of a better utilization .

  4. 挂方便旗的船。

    Ship flying a flag of convenience .

  5. 方便旗问题影响了船旗国法的适用,最密切联系理论有了适用的空间。

    The problem of the flag of conveniences affects the application of the state of flag 's law , the closest connection doctrine obtains the possibility of application .