
  1. 目的:探讨桂麻合方中方与方间在抗过敏作用方面的协同与拮抗关系。

    Objective : To discuss the synergism and antagonism of inter-decoctions of Gui-Ma Integrated Decoction in aspect of anti-hypersensitivity .

  2. 非方赞赏中方坚定支持非洲联合自强和可持续发展、进步、振兴。

    The African side appreciated the Chinese sides firm support for their efforts to seek strength through unity and realize sustainable development , growth and revitalization .

  3. 外交部发言人刘建超在北京的一次新闻发布会上表示,“法方对中方的原则立场和重大关切是清楚的”。

    " France is clear about China 's principled stance and major concerns ," the spokesman , Liu Jianchao , told a news conference in Beijing .

  4. 孟方重申支持中方为维护国家主权、统一和领土完整所作的努力。

    The Bangladesh side also reiterated its support for China 's efforts in upholding sovereignty , unity and territorial integrity .

  5. 应孟方要求,中方同意向孟提供疏浚河道和人员培训方面的援助。

    At the request of the Bangladesh side , the Chinese side agreed to provide assistance for dredging of riverbeds and for capacity building through training of personnel .

  6. 他表示,马尔代夫是古代海上丝绸之路的重要驿站,主席重申,北京欢迎马方积极参与中方提出的21世纪海上丝绸之路建设。

    He said the Maldives is an important stop along the ancient Maritime Silk Road , reiterating that Beijing welcomes the country 's active participation in China 's initiative of building a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  7. 如墨方提出愿同中方商谈建立自由贸易区,中方愿加强同墨方在这方面的合作。

    If the Mexican side puts forward the willingness to negotiate with the Chinese side on establishing a free trade zone , China is ready to strengthen cooperation with Mexico in this respect .