
  • 网络comprehensive maneuver
  1. 对田湾核电站首次装料前场内应急综合演习主要经验的讨论

    Discussion on the main experience in TNPS on-site comprehensive emergency exercise before first fuel loading

  2. 本文依照研究堆的核安全法规和导则,并根据HTR-10的安全特性,完成了HTR-10应急计划的制定、应急准备及装料前的场内综合应急演习等工作,保证了HTR-10在2000年建成并达到临界。

    Based on the codes on the safety of research reactors and the safety features of HTR-10 , the emergency plan has been developed and exercises on the preparedness and emergency response has been conducted before the first loading of fuel on HTR-10 .

  3. 矿山应急救援综合模拟演习系统的研制

    Development of the Training Simulation System for Mine Emergency Rescue

  4. 我国供电企业积极配合政府部门迅速建立电网事故状态下的应急处理机制,并开展社会综合应急演习势在必行。

    It is inevitable for power supply enterprises in China to actively coordinate with the government to rapidly establish a mechanism to handle power grid emergencies and to launch comprehensive emergency exercises in society .

  5. 新军大会操是高度综合的大型军事演习,受制于清末财政、政治及革命因素而一度中辍。

    The large-scale military maneuvers was highly integrated large-scale military exercises which were of course constrained by many factors such as finance , politics , revolution and so on .