
zōnɡ hé sù zhì
  • comprehensive quality
  1. 运用多层Fuzzy评价模型测评大学生综合素质

    On the research of fuzzy method in evaluation system of students comprehensive quality

  2. 基于PCA的通信部队士官综合素质测评研究

    The Research on Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of the Sergeants in Communication Troops Based on PCA

  3. PBL教学模式在长学制药理学教学中的应用将培养及提高学生的综合素质,形成学习的良性循环;

    Application of PBL will cultivate and increase the general capabilities of students and induce a positive feedback for learning .

  4. 学生科研训练(SRT)计划的实施有利于提高大学生以创新能力和实践能力为核心的综合素质,有助于教师更新教育理念,促进实验条件改善及管理水平提高。

    The implementation of student research training project is conducive to enhance undergraduates ' comprehensive quality centered by innovative ability and practice ability , update teachers ' educational view , foster the improvement of experimental condition and the enhancement of its management level .

  5. 充分利用CatiaV5易于制作随意动像画面的优势,在教学中将机械制图课与计算机绘图课融合,制图学习与计算机制图学习同步进行,全面提高学生的综合素质。

    " Optional image " can be done easily with CATIA V5 , by which we can integrate the mechanical drawing and computer graphics in teaching process . Thus students can study the mechanical drawing and computer graphics at one time , and their comprehensive ability can be improved .

  6. 加强半军事化管理提高学生综合素质

    Strengthen the Semi - Militarized Management to Enhance the Students'Comprehensive Quality

  7. 利用高校图书馆培养大学生的综合素质

    Utilizing the Library to Cultivate the Comprehensive Quality of University Students

  8. 加大农民培训力度,提高农民综合素质;

    Raising the comprehensive qualities of peasants by enhancing the training .

  9. 新时期图书馆员综合素质的培养

    The Cultivation of the Comprehensive Quality for Librarians in New Era

  10. 护士综合素质考评系统的研究

    A Study on the Assessment System for Comprehensive Quality of Nurses

  11. 加强病理学实验教学,提高学生综合素质

    Strengthening experimental teaching of pathology , improving students ' comprehensive ability

  12. 领导力是综合素质和能力的体现。

    Leading power is an embodiment of comprehensive quality and capability .

  13. 对体育院(系)校学生健美操专项综合素质培养模式的研究

    On The Training Model Of Students ' Comprehensive Quality in Aerobics

  14. 提高综合素质教育的效果及对策

    Measures for elevating the effects of comprehensive quality - oriented Education

  15. 高校财会人员的综合素质有待提高,高校财务队伍的人员结构、知识结构需要调整。

    Personnel The personnel structure , and knowledge structure requires adjustment .

  16. 未来人才市场的竞争主要是人的综合素质的竞争。

    The competition in the future is the competition for talents .

  17. 简论大学新生的角色转变与综合素质的培养

    On Freshmen 's Role Change and Cultivation of Comprehensive Innate Quality

  18. 转变传统教育观念加强综合素质培养

    Change the traditional education concepts , strengthen comprehensive makings cultivation

  19. 通过教学提高大学生综合素质的思考

    On Improving the Comprehensive Quality of College Students Through Teaching

  20. 重视英美文学教学提高学生综合素质

    Attach Importance to English-American Literature Teaching and Improve University Students Comprehensive Qualities

  21. 竞技教练员综合素质的核心是创新。

    The core factor to be a competitive athletic coach is innovation .

  22. 通过开放式科研参与型实验课提高学生综合素质

    Improving Students ' Comprehensive Quality through Offering the Open Scientific-research-participating-type Experimental Course

  23. 新农村建设需要提升农民的综合素质。

    New rural development needs to upgrade the comprehensive quality of farmers .

  24. 加强地学专业实验教学提高地质人才综合素质

    Strengthening Experiment Teaching in Geology Major Improving Integrated Quality of Geology Personnel

  25. 强化教育,提高职工队伍的综合素质;

    Strengthen our education and promote the composite quality of the staff ;

  26. 试析大学生的综合素质培养

    A Brief Analysis of College Students ' General Quality Training

  27. 改革机能实验教学培养医学生综合素质

    Cultivation of Medical Students ' Comprehensive Abilities by Reforming Functional Experiment Teaching

  28. 培养学生的综合素质和创新能力刻不容缓。

    To educate students comprehensive quality and creation ability are of great urgency .

  29. 高职学生综合素质评价体系的研究

    On the Evaluation System of Vocational College Students Quality

  30. 加强学生科研工作提高学生综合素质

    Enhancing Scientific Research and Comprehensive Faculties of University Students