
  • 网络Integrated measurement system;IMS
  1. 大功率LED光热综合测量系统的开发研究

    A Research on Integrated Optical & Thermal Measurement System for High Power LEDs

  2. 基于VB的回转体几何参数综合测量系统

    Synthetical Measuring System for Geometric Parameters of Revolving Body Based on VB

  3. 遥外测综合测量系统弹道计算新方法

    New Trajectory Estimation Method for The Telemetry and Tracking Integrated System

  4. 描述一种具有单一光源的激光像增强器综合测量系统。

    A comprehensive test system with unitary light source is described .

  5. 火炮身管内表面综合测量系统研究

    A Comprehensive Measuring System for the Inner Surface of Artillery

  6. 微机高精度传动链误差综合测量系统

    High-precision Computer Integral Measuring System for Transmission Train Error

  7. 库容综合测量系统中的数据处理

    Data Processing in General Surveying System of Reservoir Volume

  8. 航空绞车综合测量系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Synthetic Measurement system of Aerial Reeling Machine Launcher

  9. 多目标遥外参数综合测量系统的设计与试验

    The Design and Test of The Integrated System for Multi-target Telemetry and Tracking

  10. 微机综合测量系统的误差因素分析

    Error Factor Analysis of PC Composite Measuring Systems

  11. 蜗杆检查仪系统是为提高蜗杆加工精度而研制的综合测量系统。

    Worm tester system is a comprehensive measure system designed for improving worm processing accuracy .

  12. 无人机综合测量系统

    The Unmanned Air Vehicle Integrated Measurement System

  13. 转子主惯性轴倾角与不平衡量综合测量系统

    The Integrative Measurement System for the Obliquity of Rotator Principal Inertia Axis and Its Imbalance Value

  14. 活塞自动综合测量系统是对汽车发动机活塞的综合参数进行自动检测的仪器。

    Piston automatic & integrated measuring system is applied in measuring integrated data of automotive engine piston automatically .

  15. 针对传统的人工测量所带来的效率低、误差大等问题,研制了活塞自动综合测量系统。

    To solve the problem of low efficiency and inspection error caused by manual inspection , developed automatic & integrated piston measuring system .

  16. 实践表明,上述参数分析方法是正确有效的,并已应用于雷达接收机综合测量系统。

    The test results show that the methods introduced above are effective and correct , and have been applied in the radar receiver integrated measuring system .

  17. 本文介绍了关于水下流浪潮综合测量系统中岸站数据接收处理部分的设计总体方案,具体给出了设计思想、设计方案、以及硬件电路和软件程序的具体实现,并给出了实验结果分析。

    The design of data receiving and data processing system for land station including the guide , scheme , specific hardware and software and experiment result is discussed in this paper .

  18. 大量程轮廓综合测量系统能够实现大量程、高精度、小测量力、高效率的轮廓综合测量。研究了一种新型双衍射光栅位移传感器。

    The synthetic measurement system can realize synthetic measurement of profile with large range , high precision , small measuring force and high efficiency . A displacement sensor with double diffraction gratings is studied .

  19. 该综合测量系统使用了观测度确定算法、最佳复杂度模型建立的自组织算法、预测及估计等各种算法。

    The aircraft measurement complex includes several algorithms , such as the algorithm of determining the observability degree , the hereditary algorithm for building model with optimal complexity and algorithm of estimation and prediction .

  20. 分析了采用微机综合测量系统检测机械零件尺寸及形位误差时的主要误差因素,并提出了消除或减小误差的方法。

    The main error factors effecting the accuracy of PC composite measuring systems for measuring dimension , form and position errors of workpieces are analyzed , and the methods to cancel or reduce the errors are presented .

  21. 介绍了用光电传感器、荷重传感器、单片机和PC机组成的一套弹箭静态参数综合测量系统以及该系统的工作原理;

    The components and working principle of the integrated measurement system for projectile 's static parameters are introduced in this paper . And the photoelectric sensor , strained-electric-charge sensor , MCU and PC are used in this system .

  22. 利用电容传感器和电容测微仪作为汽车连杆综合参数测量系统的信号采集机构和前置信号预处理(SCXI)机构。

    The capacitance sensor and micrometer were synthesized as the signal acquisition device of the multiple parameter measurement of the connecting rods in automobiles and were used for the SCXI device of this system .

  23. 海洋综合测量声学系统间信号干扰的分析

    Analysis of Acoustic Signal Interference in an Ocean Integrated Surveying System

  24. 大气质量综合航空测量系统简介

    Research on airborne comprehensive survey system of atmosphere quality

  25. 基于微机的弹道综合参数测量系统

    A Comprehensive Ballistic Measurement System Based on Microcomputer

  26. 分层的互联网综合测量管理系统的研究

    Research on layered internet synthetic measurement management system

  27. 最后给出了综合运用测量系统分析及监控技术的策略图。

    At last , it gives strategy chart applying measurement system analysis and control technology .

  28. 本文采用了面向对象的程序设计,完成了径向综合偏差测量系统的设计,实现了测量数据的采集、分析及绘制等功能。

    The object-oriented program design is used to complete the measuring system realize the measurement data collection , analyze and draw error curve and so on .

  29. 介绍一种新研制的高温回转体零件形位误差综合自动测量系统的构成、检测原理和方法。

    Presents the composition , the principle and measurement methods of a non-contact automatic system for measuring shape and position errors of revolving body in high temperature .

  30. 本文主要贡献有:(1)设计与实现网络综合测量探针软件系统。

    Themaincontributionsofthisthesisareasfollows : ( 1 ) Network probe system is designed and implemented .